Hot Contracts on Osmosis

    • Q20. A lot of new contracts are being deployed on Osmosis lately.


    • Since the beginning of May, answer the following questions: What are the top ten most popular contracts on Osmosis? What is the cumulative total of contracts launched on Osmosis, and have there been any spikes since the Terra crash or other noteworthy events?



    • Using Flipside data bank tables:
      • osmosis.core.fact_swaps: To look the activity of pool_ids[0] as “the contracts”


    • A new pool id refers to the first time a distinct pool id is used from May onwards, it doesn’t refer to the creation date.
    • There are 398 different pool id used from May.
    • The first spike on May 1, is pretty normal considering that on that day all the pool id used were “fresh”.
    • The Terra/Luna effect caused that a lot of new pool id were used from May 9, reaching a spike on May 11.
    • After the halt, Osmosis resumes with a spike on June 13.
    • Again we can see the spike on May 11, caused by the Terra/Luna incident.
    • The gap because of the halt from June 9 to June 11
    • A spike when Osmosis resumes on June 13.
    • In May the cumulative sum of unique pool id increases the most.
    • From May 8 to May 11, the cumulative sum sees the biggest jump, because of the Luna/Terra Incident, this correlates with the spikes.
    • In the last week of May to onwards, the new id pool used increases slowly, with the exception of the Osmosis Halt Incident.
    • Pool id (1) is the most used from May 2022, and it seems to be the most active daily, with the exception in the Luna/Terra Incident timeframe where pool id (561) was the most active, with a big downtrend afterwards like pool id (560).
    • Although pool id (678) didn’t spike too much as the others on May 11-12, it doesn’t downtrend like (560-561) and stays as the 2nd/3rd most after the half of May, onwards making to the 2nd place in the top 15.
    • Pool id (722) appeared on May 23 and after that presents an uptrend in their activity, making to 4th place without being present in the spike of May 11-12.
    • The most active pool ids before the halt, are present in the spike when Osmosis resumes.


    • The top ten Popular contracts in Osmosis are pool id:
      • 1 as the 1st with 1/5 of the total transactions.
      • 678 as the 2nd with a steady daily number of transactions.
      • 608 as the 3rd being the dark horse because it was really behind of other pool id in daily transactions.
      • 722 as the 4th being the newcomer, which starts the “race” on May 23.
      • 561 as the 5th being the BIG CHUNGUS on the Luna/Terra spike.
      • 560 as the 6th being the hare which starts with the advantage on may but becomes slower after that.
      • 497 as the 7th
      • 5 as the 8th
      • 6 as the 9th doing a flip.
      • 498 as the 10th.
    • There are 398 Distinct pool id used from May 2022, onwards.
    • Osmosis Halt on June 8, made a spike when resumes their operations, with the spike being on June 13.