Logan Paul Legacy for the web3

    Surfing the tides of recent Coffeezilla Video about CryptoZOO, in this dashboard we'll look the two NFT Projects launched by Logan Paul, CryptoZOO and 99 Originals and Compare against each other and 2 extra NFT Collections, Bored Bunnys and Art Gobblers. #ETHEREUM #OPEN ANALYTICS #CRYPTOZOO #99ORIGINALS #ARTGOBBLERS #BOREDBUNNY #COFFEEZILLA #ZACHXBT


    The power of Influencers on the Web3.

    After all the controversy about Sam Bankman-Fried and his companies in November, the news in December, are about influencers and celebrities who supported NFT projects.

    > In December 9 a lawsuit was filed against Justin Bieber, Paris Hilton, Jimmy Fallon, and Madonna Among others alleging that Yuga Labs NFTs Collections were “misleadingly promoted” and resulted in financial damage to the defendants. Coindesk

    The Collections implicated?, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Mutant Ape Yacht Club, Otherdeed among others Collections created by Yuga Labs.

    But Today Dashboard isn’t About Yuga Labs.

    In December 16 Coffeezilla, a content creator which investigate and uncovers scams, published a video called Investigating Logan Paul’s Biggest Scam.

    Logan Paul is a content creator & influencer with a lot of reach, and during the cryptoboom he was hyping a lot of different proyects.

    • NFT Scam Detective ZachXBT Twitter Thread, talks about Logan Paul and his sketchy track record in the Web3 Space.
      • He hypes $ElonGate token in this video and then proceed to sell their tokens in a pump and dump winning $112k.
      • He hypes $FUCKELON token in this post and then proceed to sell their tokens in another pump and dump winning $116k.
      • During the Floyd & Logan fight event in June 2021, Logan sold his eMax tokens winning $71.8k in another pump and dump.
      • He hypes his MEMECOIN $DINK proceeding to do another pump and dump.

    And finally we reached the subject of this Dashboard - CryptoZOO.

    If you Enter the website you can see that CryptoZOO Team already published Coffezilla video on the FrontPage

    Coffeezilla video was focused in CryptoZOO NFT Project, it was announced during a Logan Paul podcast, advertised as a Play-to-Earn NFT Game with Handcrafted Art.

    • CryptoZOO was a NFT Project launched on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, where investors could buy Eggs NFTs and then hatch their NFTs as Animals and then Breed their NFTs Animals to make Hybrids NFT (A merge between 2 animals like a Penguilion).
    • These NFT yield $ZOO passively or when burned.
    • $ZOO is a token from BSC used to Interact with this Project.

    CryptoZOO shenanigans.

    In this part of the video, an investor says that CryptoZOO Ethereum contract didn’t have a Yielding System, and users couldn’t claim their yield, because $ZOO was a token from BSC.

    • Users that purchased their Eggs NFT in Ethereum also couldn’t hatch their eggs, in CryptoZOO Web.
    • In the end, it looks like the project is on its last breath and hopefully Coffeezilla Video can help the investors to reach Logan Paul, who had no part in the project at all, being that it was his.

    99 Originals.

    After a Month of CryptoZOO Launch, Logan announced that he was working in a massive project as you can see in this part of the video, most of the Investors from CryptoZOO was hoping that is going to be related to this.

    But in the end it was an announcement for a NFT Collection called 99 Originals which was based on 99 Polaroid Photos taken by Logan Paul.

    Logan Paul completely ignoring the past, advertised this new NFT Project and all 99 NFTs were put in auction on the Ethereum Network, and the winning bidders minted these NFTs.

    OriginalsDAO launched an app to all holders of Originals NFT to participate in governance but doesn’t have too much activity with only 4 proposals made since November 10.

    Introduction to the Dashboard.

    • We’re going to focus on the activity in Ethereum for CryptoZOO and 99 Originals both projects made by Logan Paul.
    • But to have a better Comparison i’ll add 2 more NFT Projects.
      • The Bored Bunny NFT Collection which was already marked as Scam, because a lot of influencers (including Logan Paul) were hyping it.
      • Art Gobblers NFT Collection, Another NFT Project, which was also hyped but this was a Successful Project.
    • The idea is to compare Logan Paul NFT Projects to another “Scam/Failed” Project and a “Professional/Successful” Project.
    • After the comparison between all NFT Projects we’ll see the projects individually.
    • CryptoZOO Metrics
    • Bored Bunny Metrics
    • Art GobblerS Metrics

    Comparison Between all NFT Projects.

    To get all activity i used ethereum.core.ez_nft_transfers, with one case for the Collections Name using nft_address, then count(*) to get all the transactions and daily date aggregation, i filter the data using nft_address IN (Collections Contract Address).

    To get activity by type i used the same table again and this time i add a new case for type, when event_type = ‘mint’ then mint when tx_hash is in tx_hash from the ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales then Sale else = ‘Transfer’.

    The rest of charts are from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales using a case for the collection name using nft_address, count(*) for the sales, count (distinct buyer_address/seller_address)for the buyers/sellers,

    sum(platform_fee_usd) for the marketplace fees, sum(creator_fee_usd) for the creator fees, sum(tx_fee_usd) to get transaction fees, sum(price_usd) to get the $USD Sales Volume and max/avg/median/min(price_usd) to get these values.

    ↑The Metrics Above include Activity from NFT Mints, Sales and Transfers.↑

    ↓The Metrics Below are from NFT Sales.↓


    🔎Art Gobblers Metrics - Analysis🔍

    Although the percentage of Sales and Mints of this projects aren’t really high, the potential is in the Sales Volume of these NFTs, in their first 3 days the percentage of $USD Sales volume was over 37% of the total, with the average $USD Price of these NFTs being over 20k $USD on these days.

    But as all the projects the Price and Sales Volume started to decrease, but people still mint and sell nfts nowadays, and the price of these doesn’t drop under the $2000.

    This collection is slowly reaching the $100M of Sales Volume with every day having more than 10k $USD being spent on Art Gobblers Purchases.

    🔎99 Originals Metrics - Analysis🔍

    The First thing to Notice, is that there are only 96 Mints by Auction and there are 3 Minters which didn’t sent a single $ETH Transfer

    Minters which didn’t bid:

    Bidders by $USD Volume Spent

    🥇0xdf248aa0afdb8d9371f511680322049f89b46381: Spent 641,845.93 $USD in a Single Auction, Making Original #19 the Most Expensive🥇

    🥈0xe45925463dd44327e56fbcbac5bd38205c2b9100: Spent 569,702.22 $USD winning 3 Auction, Minting Original #1, #92 and #16🥈

    🥉0x5a0a6310c13375892cf64331008dd038f28b8e1d: Spent 528,869.75 $USD in 14 Bids, didn’t won Anything But there isn’t a single Refund Transaction for him.🥉

    We can see a lot of differents address which strange movements in refunds i can group these in three types:

    • Bidders which win $USD (Real Amount being Negative), because of the $ETH Price.
    • Bidders which lose $USD (Real Amount being Positive), because of $ETH.
    • Bidders which didn’t received their Refunds in their Wallets, after losing a bid.
      • Or received an amount bigger than bidded, the only case is this bidder 0xc938c5f20aa151ccc854b7c0438e387394ed4cb2, he bid 45.14 $ETH and then received a refund of 370.597455 $ETH, with a “Real Price” of -491,563.16 $USD in other words he ended winning almost 500k $USD.

    Aside for the Auctions, the Sales of 99 Originals are only 3 being the NFT Collection in this dashboard with less activity of all.

    Whats do Holders of 99 Originals Receive?, the difference with CryptoZOO holders is that Originals Holders don’t yield rewards, but instead they get access to a High Resolution Scan of their Original NFT, license to use their NFTs although with restrictions and the Membership to participate in Originals DAO, But Sadly it’s seems that BenRoth (The Community Manager of CryptoZOO and OriginalsDAO) is the only one submiting proposals and there are only 4 Proposals since the announcement of this Dao in November 10.

    99 Originals Metrics

    This Project, doesn’t have too much activity in the NFT Sales or Mint tables, so i decided to do another approach and looked for the Auction activity instead.

    Because the Auction was with $ETH i used ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers and then look for all transfers to 0x1c49ed56da6be87b804bc1b8b817a259aa3132ed The 99 Originals Contract Address, I did 3 CTEs one with the Bids (Deposits) to this account using eth_to_address = 99 Originals Address as filter, and then a second CTE for the Refunds to the losers of the Auction with eth_from_address = 99 Originals Address.The last CTE is to select the winners of the auction or in other words the minters of the NFTs using ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints and filter by the nft_address = 99 Originals Address.

    Finally i selected the Bidders, the count of mints as Bids Won, the total Amount used to Bid, the Refunds, and Bid Amount - Refunds = Real Amount Spent, i Left Join the 3 CTEs using the first CTE of Bids as Base, on Bidders=Refunders=Minters. With that i get all the information about the Bids of 99 Originals.

    🔎CryptoZOO Metrics - Analysis🔍

    The First thing Important to Notice is that the Eggs NFTs were minted by only one user, and then all of them were put on Sale in Opensea for 0.1 $ETH by the Official CryptoZOO.

    So to get Eggs NFTs people needed to bought to him or to resellers in Opensea, reaching a total of the 7% of the Sales (4489 NFT Sales) on September 5, with a 2.8% (4.08M $USD) of the Total $USD Sales Volume only.

    Most of the NFT Sale Activity for the Eggs was concentrated in the first days of the project, and the sales of Eggs start decreasing after that.

    In November 3 people could Hatch their Eggs or in specific words to Mint their Animals NFT, so the Eggs Sale activity reached their only spike, but because of all the problems and people noticing the shenanigans of the project, the Animals NFT reached less than 10% of the total $USD Volume than the Eggs, and the number of sales of Animals NFTs didn’t reach 2% of the total Sales of the Eggs.

    In the End this project present a Sales Volume of 11.3M $USD (If we add the Animals NFT) on the ==Ethereum== Side.

    🔎Comparison Between all NFT Projects - Analysis🔍

    🥇Art Gobblers is at first place, having the Most $USD Volume of all Collections, although it doesn’t have the same amount of activity as the other projects the main reason is behind the limited amount of mints this collection has, but with less than half of the sales that CryptoZOO and Bored Bunny Have, this project have more than Half of their $USD Volume, it has also the bigger amounts for Average, Median and Minimum $USD Value, (99 Originals have bigger amounts but only with 3 Sales, meanwhile Art Gobblers present 4776 Sales).🥇

    🥈Bored Bunny is at Second Place, the Sales Volume is really high and this doesn’t include the Amount of $USD the project made with Mints, or the other Collections the team launched, it presents the maximum $USD Price for a NFT with 226k, is difficult to confirm if it was a real price or a washtrading by someone inside or outside the project. This collection also have the higher Activity of all the Collections here and the most revenue in Fees.🥈

    🥉CryptoZOO project is at third place considering his both Collections, Animals and Eggs, for an NFT Project using only Stock Images it done pretty well, although most of the success was behind the influence of Logan Paul, this project has the biggest amount of NFT Sales and the biggest amount of Transactions Fees, it presents the second most activity but ultimately their $USD Volume didn’t reach their opponents.🥉

    🏅99 Originals is at last place, this NFT Collection wasn’t made with the idea to be profitable on the market, but the real reason we don’t see big $USD numbers is because this project wasn’t minted with a price or sold it in the Marketplace, **is because these NFTs were sold in an auction, and you’ll see more info later.**🏅

    CryptoZOO Metrics

    In Ethereum CrytpoZOO have 2 NFT Collections: Eggs NFTs = 0xccee4d557588e982ecf3a2391d718c76589d8af9 And Animals NFTs = 0x9be46efa5e99de9b1ba7219f90c8b77293d83255.

    Here i decided to provide Number Metrics, and the new charts i added here are the Percentage of Mints and Sales.

    To get the Percentage of Mints i used ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints i created 2 CTE one for the total mints in Ethereum, in the date range of most mint activity of CryptoZOO, then a second CTE where i get the mints for the Eggs NFT and The Animals NFT, i used union all in this cte to merge the mint activity from both projects to compare both percentages against each other. for the final result i simply join both CTE on Dates, and proceed to do the simple operation: CryptoZOO mints / Total Mints * 100 = Mint Percentage

    To get the Percentage of Sales i used ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales with 2 CTE one for the total NFT Sales and $USD Sales Volume in the date range of most NFT Sale Activity of CryptoZOO, then a second CTE with total NFT Sales and $USD Sales Volume of CryptoZOO using union all to merge both projects.

    Finally i join both CTE on Dates, and proceed to do: CryptoZOO NFT Sales/ Total NFT Sales * 100 = Sales Percentage and CryptoZOO $USD Sales Volume / Total $USD Sales Volume *100 = Sales Volume Percentage

    Because in both cases i used Union All for the CryptoZOO Activity i can apply a Color Column by Type and then differentiate both Collections.

    Art Gobblers Metrics

    A difference for the rest of Collections, Art Gobblers is a professional project made by people with knowledge about NFTs and the reason i decided to include here is only to compare the success of a trusted project against a “Hype Project”, don’t get me wrong Art Gobblers also was hyped, but there is more behind simply celebrities advertising their product.

    Using the Same methodologys explained before with the Art Gobblers Contract Address = 0x60bb1e2aa1c9acafb4d34f71585d7e959f387769.

    Bored Bunny Metrics

    Using the Bored Bunny Contract Address = 0x9372b371196751dd2f603729ae8d8014bbeb07f6 to get all info about NFT Mints and NFT Sales of this project using their respective tables, applying the same methodology to CryptoZOO to get the Mint, and Sales Percentage, in the Case of Mints because the activity was on a single day i used a Number Chart.

    To mint this NFT you needed to spent 0.4 $ETH.

    🔎Bored Bunny Metrics - Analysis🔍

    This Project was a fraud, as explained by Zachxbt in his Twitter Thread, at first the project promised the benefit of 2x, 5x or 10x your investment in a few days (Red Flag Already), and then a lot of Celebrities were paid to promote the project.

    So the Mints were pretty fast and the Collection already made 1990 $ETH in Mints, and on that day the Percentage of NFT Sales and $USD Volume reached their peaks with 3.85% of the Total Sales (2838) in January 4 and 4.9% of the Total $USD Volume (9.09M). But after the first days the project already loses activity and this was the moment when the Team behind Bored Bunny announces a second Project called Bored Bad Bunny and then a third project called Bored Mutant Bunny, but people already noticed the Shenanigans of the Project and the Third Collection wasn’t fully minted.

    • Bored Bunny have a lot of Activity in January 2021, there wasn’t a single day with less than 50 Sales, but at the end of February the Activity was reaching Single Digit Sales.
      • Because in January 20 started the mints for Bored Bad Bunny, holders of Bored Bunny received a free Mint, so thats the reason the Activity doesn’t drop too fast in January.
      • In February there are a Spike in Activity because the mints for Bored Mutant Bunny started in February 8, so This day and the day before NFT Saled reached their last spike.
      • But After the last Collection people notice that the Roadmap and all things for the future were lies, leading to the activity and Price of these NFTs dropped quickly
    • Still thanks to the advertisement from Celebrities and quick release for the rest of collections, the team behind this project made a lot of revenue only in mints, and with the prices these NFTs presented in January, is really probable that they make more revenue selling NFTs.


    In the End we see 4 differents Projects, ultimately all of them resourced to hype his launch with celebrities behind, Art Gobblers uses the contribution of Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roland but you can see already his contribution in the Art made for the website and this is the most important thing.

    For Bored Bunnys the hype was made with a price, differents celebrities were paid high sums of moneys to made a short video talking nonsense and promising the success of the project, which at the end it was (for the developer team).

    in the case of Logan Paul Projects, he talked in their Podcast or differents social media channels, CryptoZOO received less love and a few mentions you can count with your fingers by this celebrity, 99 Originals on other side, was highly advertised every day, and we can see that Logan Paul really loved his project, and because of that although people already know the shenanigans of Logan Paul Hypes about Projects in the Web3, 99 Originals was different and simple, reaching a lot of people, but in the end still doesn’t do much, the DAO is pretty inactive, and it’s seems that in the next year people are forget about this.

    🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥What Have all Projects in Common? HYPE🔥🔥🔥🔥

    Every New NFT Collection launched always presents a lot of Hype before the day 0, you can see with the social medias channels being daily active days before, and all of them look for ways to promote their project, in the end it’s seems that the most important thing to success was having an important figure talking about your project, if that figure have a lot of reach, the success is almost guaranteed.

    But Hype isn’t All

    Although most of these NFT project presented here could be defined as scams**, Art Gobblers** show us that a good idea for a NFT Project will always present more lifespan than NFT projects with only Hype.


    Initially my Idea was to show Logan Paul Crypto Projects and review their perfomance, but to do that i needed another projects which can add differents points of comparison.

    Thats the reason i added bored bunny as another fraudulent NFT Collection and Art Gobblers a newer collection.

    So in the process i think this idea was slowly changing and we can see now is more about the hype, and impact the advertising from celebrities or important figures made in the NFT Ecosystem.

    But still i hope this Work can help you understand more these NFT Collections which were fraudulent and in the case they make to the news again you will know the reason why.

    Made by Popex 404, Twitter Link Here


    To mint this NFT Collection it was necessary to win a bid, to bid you simply have to transfer $ETH to the address of this NFT Collection and then after the time period, the winner minted the NFT and the rest of the users received their $ETH bidded.
