NEAR - 2. Comparing The Top Projects
#Mintbase #Paras #NEAR #Deadmau5
- Overall it’s seems that Mintbase is a good project for new people looking to enter the NFT World, but their reach is really low if we compare to Paras which have a lot of citizens and activity overall.
- Retention seems a little higher than Paras, and that is really good if we consider that paras reach is way bigger than Mintbase.
- Most of the revenue for mintbase comes from the Deadmau5 collab, where as Paras comes from a lot of different collections and citizens trading in

🌍Welcome to Near!🌎
> ## We put usability first in our mission to change the world with Web3
Near Protocol is a blockchain built to be simple and attractive for the average people!, specially those who don’t know anything about web3.
One of the first things that makes this layer-1 blockchain different is that people can configurate their wallet to have a name, the users of Near are called Citizens and all the projects are called cities!.

🏸What you’ll see here🏸
I’ll compare 2 top cities of near, using an Reach-Retention-Revenue (RRR) analysis, but my main citie to analyze is Mintbase, and i’ll put alongise Paras to see their popularity and impact in the Near World.
All of the Left ← charts are from Mintbase
All of the Right → charts are from Paras
📗What is Mintbase?📗
- Mintbase is a city where users can make their own NFT marketplace!, that means build their own minter, manter and sell their NFTs.
- Because of that there is a lot of stores selling NFT, all of these accounts have “StoreName”.mintbase1.near as their address.
- Their goal using the Near protocol is being as easily as posible to people who are interested in starting their NFT collections or makets.
- It all started in a hackaton on Prague at 2018, with the name of AllTheThings, in 2019 they rebranded as Mintbase and initially they started on the Ethereum Blockchain.
- But because of the Ethereum fees, they decided in August 2020 to rewrite the code on Near, and finally in May 2021 they launched Mintbase on Near.
📘What is Paras?📘
Paras is a city on Near focused in digital collectibles, is one of the most popular and largest NFT marketplace on Near.
They started with digital art cards and after working on that they’ll realize than every single physical art form needs to be safetly stored and digitalized in the web3, to keep it future-proof.
After some time in the Near World, they launched $PARAS their utility token to give their citizens governance and rewards/benefits for staking users.
In transaction activity Mintbase activity is really low, but constant with less than 1 thousands of transactions per day, some days although there are bigger spikes.
Paras on other side presents a lot of activity everyday, in 1 day mintbase only reach a 10% of the daily transaction activity of paras.
Is difficult to see the impact for 2022 bearish year in Mintbase, but for paras is highly visible.

Citizen Activity also seems lower to Mintbase, with spikes on specific days where the number of citizens increases a lot. Paras have a lot more citizens in their city
mau5trap.near is the official deadmau5 minter address, which was one of the notable events on paras, i’ll talk about it later, and although this address have a lot of transactions it doesn’t reach the top 15 address by transactions on Paras, a lot of these citizens in Paras contribute a lot on transactions with nhephex.near the most notable address.
The first spike in Mintbase of citizens were made by an influx of new citizens!, it’s seems that daily mintbase have always some new citizens. For paras the new users also appear in the first spikes, and in 2022 Q1 they have a bigger number too.
Although Mintbase have a lower reach than Paras, the new citizen percentage seems really good with and maybe better than Paras in the latest months, although this percentage can reach lower values than Paras in some days.
This ratio is about monthly citizens interacting daily in that month with their city, and it’s seems that mintbase Stickiness ratio is lower moving between 4% to 8%. Paras on the other side stays a little higher with 6% to 14% (although is necessary to remember that Monthly the numbers of users on Paras is way higher than Mintbase, so the values of their stickiness ratio is really goo)
For mintbase their daily and average gas + their daily and average fees are nice correlated, the same for Paras
Most of the fees were by deadmau5 minter, in Mintbase where Paras runner address have the most transactions fees, and then the users have mostly the same