NEAR - 7. Weekly Report - Redux
New Week A new Transparency Report, i'll improve my previous submission to made a nice report which will show us important metrics of the Near Environment

Near Protocol is a Public Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Blockchain
- Aims to bring decentralization finance (DeFi) to the masses with low transfer fees and fast transactions.
- With their sharding technology (Nightshade) they achieve speed and scalability.
- Uses PoS consensus to secure and validate transactions on the blockchain.
- In Proof-of-Stake, users show support to specific network validators by delegating NEAR tokens to them. This process is known as staking. The main idea is that, if a validator has a large amount of tokens delegated is because the community trusts them, and these validators can validate block transactions and add more blocks to the Blockchain.
- Validators earn NEAR Token rewards for producing new blocks in the form of a static inflation rate of about 4.5% each year.
- Stakers get rewarded in the form of that token, too. The token’s all-time highest price was $20.44 in January 2022.
Sources: Coindesk, Near blog, The Defiant, Nightshade
- I tried to make this report more simple and without too much analysis (text) to focus more in the results (charts).
- This time i improved my report giving a weeday comparison, so we can know the performance of Near based on the day.
- Thursday is the day with most activity in transactions and users.
- Because of that the amount of Gas and Fees is the highest.
- And there is less blocks, but with more Transaction each one.
- Friday also have a lot of users and less transactions but still is a busy day on Near.
- It has the biggest $NEAR Volume in Stake Activity
- Sunday is the day with less activity
- A lot of Charts present the same tendency:
- Thursday (Activity Peak) → Friday (- Activity) → Saturday (- Activity) → Sunday (Activity Valley) → Monday (+ Activity) → Tuesday (+Activity) → Wednesday (+Activity) → Thursday (Activity Peak)
- Because of that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are some of the most active days.
- And Sunday, Monday the less active.
Made by Popex404, Twitter Link Here
Images: Near Logo, Near Protocol
Using FlipsideCrypto Data of Near:
- Transactions and Users: With
to get the transactions andtx_signer
to get the users. - Gas Usage and Fees: With
To get the Gas andTransaction_fee/Pow(10,24)
To get the $NEAR Fees. - Stake Activity: With
to group by Stake/Unstake,tx_signer
to get the users,tx_hash
to get the transactions andStake_amount/pow(10,24)
to get the $NEAR Volume - Block Performance: With
to get the Blocks andTX_Count
to get the transactions per block- Block Time Performance from my past dashboard.
- Contracts: Using the SQL from the Example Dashboard.
- To get the Weekdays first we need to apply the Daily Agregation
and then usingDayname (Date)
to get the day.- But this give us values such as Mon, Tue, Fri so i’ll use a
to give a better format.- I’ll rename the carts as ‘a Monday’ or ‘b Tuesday’ to order the data.
- But this give us values such as Mon, Tue, Fri so i’ll use a
My Previous Submission
Because mi improve Report (Past Submission) was a quarterly report of 2022, i’ll decide this time to stick for a more simple report, this time showing data from 2023, and trying to do less analysis to showcase better my charts.
So this time i’ll use the example submission, to make a report using some improvements from my past 2 submissions:
- My first submission:
- My problem was to don’t include metrics already show by the transparency report and trying to add more complex metrics, a more detailed analysis can be found on my next report:
- My second submission:
- Here i make a long report explaining all my reasons to make a full Quarterly report of Near in 2022, including a lot of new metrics from the top submissions from the first contest.
So how i’ll improve and make a better report this time?
I’ll decide to keep it simple and make more Area charts, but also i’ll try my best to add a new Weekday aggregation, to show the better days in Near for Users, or transactions, etc.

🔎Transactions and Users - Near - Analysis🔍
- In January 10 the amount of New users jump from 43k Active users daily to 123k Active users daily.
- In that moment the TPS of Near jump from a daily 2-4 TPS to 4.6-7.3 TPS.
- TPU falls from a daily 6.8-8.1 TPU to 3.9-6 TPU
- Because the amount of weekdays isn’t equal for each day, the average is the best metric to show weekday performance.
- Thursday is the day with most Average Transactions, with 490K.
- Also with the highest Average TPS of 5.6
- Sunday is the day with less Average Transactions, with 317k.
- And the lowest TPS of 3.6
- Friday is the day with the best Average Active users with 97k
- Thursday is the day with most Average Transactions, with 490K.
🔎Stake Activity - Near - Analysis🔍
- January 4 presents a spike in Stake Activity and $NEAR Volume (A total stake of 3.4M $NEAR)
- January 6 presents a spike in $NEAR Volume
- 2.3M of $NEAR Staked
- 5.8M of $NEAR Unstaked.
- In Saturday a lot of people Unstake with and average of 292 Unstake and 213 Unstake Users per Saturday
- Friday and Wednesday are the days with the best average $NEAR Volume (Because of the spikes)
🔎Gas and Fees Activity - Near - Analysis🔍
in Average at 2023 100 $NEAR is equivalent to 1 Million Gas, although this depends daily, for example:
- In January 12 8.1M Gas was used and only 789 $NEAR spent in Fees.
- Every day an average of 6-7M Gas is used, ==Thursday== spending the most gas (6.9M) and ==Sunday the only exception Spending 5.2M Gas.
- Then Every day an average of 500-680 $NEAR is spent in Gas Fees, with Thursday spending the most in fees (676 $NEAR) and Sunday spending the less with 512 $NEAR
- Every Day A transaction spent:
- 14-17 Gas with a fee of 0.0014 to 0.0017 $NEAR
🔎Block Performance - Near - Analysis🔍
Every Day:
- 74k-75k Blocks are used, with ==Thursday== having the less average of Blocks and ==Sunday== the biggest average of Blocks.
Every Block (Transactions):
- Can have 0 Transactions (Minimum).
- And an average of 4.1-6.6 Transactions
- And the median of 3-5 Transactions
- Or a Maximum of 598-618 Transactions.
Every Block (Time)
- Takes a minimum of 0 Seconds between Blocks
- and an average of 1.14-1.16 Seconds, with a Median of 1 Second
- It can take to 4-8 Second at the maximum time between blocks.
Thursday== is the day with most Transactions per Block, and ==Sunday== with the less Transaction.