Near Digital Collective Elections

    How Did It Start?

    I AM HUMAN - A Proof of Personhood

    A while ago this initiative launched on Near where users could do a Face Scan and mint a Soul Bound Token a unique kind that allows users to drop their anonymity and build up their reputation as a community member.

    There were a lot of different incentives and future rewards for users that partake in this, with one of them being allowed to participate in the Near Digital Collective (NDC) Elections.

    The NEAR Digital Collective (NDC), the largest decentralization effort on any layer 1 blockchain, has spent much of 2023 designing a number of frameworks that will allow any member of the NEAR Protocol network to have a say in how NEAR is run. NDC’s goal is to combine transparency, collective decision making, evolving governance models, and self-determination in a completely new way. (Near Blog)

    The First NDC Ellection

    The NDC V1 Governance Structure

    Every owner of an SBT token will be allowed to be part of the governance, however, the elections are to decide the 39 members that will take the seats of the three houses.

    • House of Merit (HoM)
    • Council of Advisors (CoA) 
    • Transparency Commission (TC)

    The NDC Candidates are users that have contributed a lot in Near, since a while ago and have some kind of recognition like special kinds of SBT tokens such as "NDC Champion" or "OG Member" or be part of key projects within Near.

    The Elections Timeline

    Nomination Period (July 20th to September 7th)

    • On July 20 th started Candidacy where the candidates could apply to participate in a single house, and all the information about them and their ideas is on the Near Social Widget for the NDC Nominations.

    Elections (September 8th to September 22nd)

    • Every Member of the NDC can vote (Transaction) for the candidates they like, Users can connect with them and ask questions to know better their ideas.

    Start of 1st Congress (October 1st to April 1st)

    • After the Election, the representatives will convene for the first time in the first NDC Governance Town Hall, where the three houses will convene their plans for the first Congress.