NEAR Mega Dashboard Architecture

Near Protocol is a Public Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Blockchain
- Aims to bring decentralization finance (DeFi) to the masses with low transfer fees and fast transactions.
- With their sharding technology (Nightshade) they achieve speed and scalability.
- Uses PoS consensus to secure and validate transactions on the blockchain.
- In Proof-of-Stake, users show support to specific network validators by delegating NEAR tokens to them. This process is known as staking. The main idea is that, if a validator has a large amount of tokens delegated is because the community trusts them, and these validators can validate block transactions and add more blocks to the Blockchain.
- Validators earn NEAR Token rewards for producing new blocks in the form of a static inflation rate of about 4.5% each year.
- Stakers get rewarded in the form of that token, too. The token’s all-time highest price was $20.44 in January 2022.
Sources: Coindesk, Near blog, The Defiant, Nightshade
About Near Mega Dashboard Architecture
> In this bounty, we’re looking to our analysts to provide the specific requirements and specifications of this NEAR mega dashboard. What features and insights should it offer? What links should it have? > > MetricsDAO - Bounty
In this dashbord i’ll provide my own vision of how The Mega Dashboard Should Be, the structure it should have is going to be below these 2 blocks of texts, before going into that, let me explain my reason behind my decision.
- The best Mega Dashboard Examples for Near are here, FlipsideCrypto made a tournament where users try their best to provide different dashboard showing the Near Protocol, their cities and citizens.
- The Winner of the Tournament, Vercel App is really nice to see anything made in vercel, the only downside is that isn’t possible to see the queries or as easily as anything made with Velocity.
- 4th Place, this is a ol’ reliable dashboard made by pinehearst, with all the information in 1 dashboard (The Real Mega Dashboard) all the information is here and i really like the use of emojis to qualify the ranking of the citizen choosed in parameters, the downside? most of the information is about 1 citizen perspective.
- 2nd place, My favorite example of a megadashboard, here all the information is separated by differents dashboard using a story-telling and AI generated Images.
These are all good examples of dashboard, i didn’t include the 3rd place because i couldn’t enter their site, but these are some of the works i used to inspire me in the design of this Mega Dashboard. Now let me show my own vision of Dashboard.
This blocks of text, are an introduction/explanation of the ==Mega Dashboard==, the example of the ==Dashboard== is below.

Architecture Comments
I really like the date charts with numeric metrics in the border, because is difficult to concentrate attention with too many date charts, numeric metrics are easily to understand and can improve the general understanding of the Reader.
- I know the colors used in the date charts aren’t the greatest, but i really like having successful transactions in Green + Failed in Red, although the only way to have it that way in old velocity is by the Legacy Charts.
- Transaction/User Activity Should be the first Things to see in the MegaDashboard + $NEAR Price, these are some of the important things that the reader should see first.
- Adding different metrics in time period, by 24 hours, week/month, quarter/year, may provide a good insight on the development of Near in the past.
- I think only having total metrics here and not “Average Citizen/Transaction” or trying to compare all the days in the past weeks/month/etc, because the first thing we should see are General metrics!, and focusing in activity in general (Transactions and active Transaction Users).
These blocks of text are for Informative purposes about the design/architecture of the mega dashboard, it shouldn’t be considered as part of the Final Dashboard.
Architecture Comments
This information should be below the transactions/active citizens, and it concludes the first part of the mega dashboard - (Transactions/Users).
- I really like the Legacy Bar Chart with ==New/Active Users== and their percentage, although again the colors of these charts aren’t the greatest i think it provides a good information about citizen activity in Near.
- If we use only that we can skip the Weekly New Citizens and New user percentage charts and put all of them in a single chart.
- Cumulative Charts for New users vs Total Users are a really good to see the citizen amount over time easily.
- Numeric metrics should be about the amount of active users/new users in differents time period!.
Some Extra charts to include Here (Suggested):
- DAU/WAU/MAU: This chart is to see the amount of Active (Daily/Weekly/Monthly Users) in all the Months, good to compare the months by number of active users.
- Stickiness Ratio: Here we can see the percentage of Monthly Users which were active daily
Because most of the metrics above are about transactions/users in general i don’t think is needed to provide a link to another dashboard, because in the following parts we’ll talk about specific type of transactions (Swaps/Stake/Transfers) in terms of activity and users too.
Maybe contract creation activity can be an interesting metric to add here, but only if is possible to group by category of contract creation (DEX/DEFI/NFT/GAME/SOCIAL/ASSET/Others).

Near Swapped out for Stablecoins - by Date.
Looking at the different stablecoins used to swap for $NEAR should be an interesting metric here, the idea is to consider all the stablecoins used to swap for $NEAR, and the idea is to see how the $NEAR price move with Swaps, with a line chart having:
- Min Price used in stablecoin to swap for Near
- Average Price used in stablecoin to swap for Near
- Median Price used in stablecoin to swap for Near
- Maximum Price used in stablecoin to swap for Near
The idea is to see the changes in the price of near using the Stablecoins,
Architecture Comments
I think swaps and transfer is the second thing to see in a NEAR Megadashboard Because the amount of total transactions which are (transfers) in general is the higher of all the possible types,
The main point to cover here is the amount of swappers/swaps senders/transfers should be the focus.
Regarding Swaps or Transfers if we want to be more detailed or precise maybe adding swaps/transfer related to $NEAR only.
- The Numeric Metrics should be about total, and maybe be more detailed in the 24 hour only, if not the amount of charts may be insane, (swaps in + swaps out * (period of time)) = a lot of numeric metrics.
Having some charts related to cities the citizens use for swap also is really good.
Adding a link to a swap/transfer dashboard should be good here!. or a text with some good dashboard talking in more detail about swap/transfer Metrics.

Architecture Comments
I have a good Dashboard for Staking here but because isn’t reviewed at the moment, i don’t want to mess with the queries and bring problems to the Reviewers (so i decided not to include these charts here), Is important to have governance as 3rd element or 2nd because it talks a lot about the blockchain, because Near is Proof of Stake, governance metrics should be another focus of this Mega Dashboard.
- Focus in NEAR Staked/Unstaked (Activity/Volume)
- Focus in NEAR Citizens (Staking/Unstaking)
- Validator Focus in $NEAR Amount in their pools, and total amount of citizens providing stake
- Maybe adding Nakamoto Coefficient is Good too.
And dont forget another Link to a governance dashboard with detailed information!.

Architecture Comments
Cities are the strong focus of near, Most of the populars cities are related to DEFI/DEX or NFT-Marketplace, but there is a lot of interesting cities we can look in AwesomeNear
Trying to Rank the cities is a good way to showcase the popular cities, sadly most of them are the classic Finance/NFT Dapps.
So trying to show the amount of different Cities by type seems a good way to bring attention.
This space really needs a lot of Links to detailed dashboards trying to bring attention to the different cities in Near.

Architecture Comments
Leaving Revenue at the end is always a good thing, because the metrics here can be really interesting, i tried to merge with block performance because Night Shard of Near is also a thing they promote a lot, so looking at block performance metrics can be a good thing to know Near Better.
- Show the Gas/Fees used to show how cheaper are the transactions Fees/Gas in $USD.
- Trying to Show percentage of the Existing $Near and the total $Near is going to be in the blockchain, must be another thing to bring attention.
- Trying to see the $NEAR Volume being moved by date and the different Airdrops of $NEAR can be a good thing to know how stable is the $NEAR.
- Although $NEAR price is the first thing to show in this megadashboard, trying to include again here but with comparison with other Assets of $NEAR can be a good thing to show also.
In the end another link can be here to provide better insight of the Revenue Near is making or moving in this blockchain.
Final Comments
I interpreted this question as “Show” How the ==Near Megadashboard== need to be, thats the reason they ask us to include some sample metrics as “Preview”.
So i tried to focus in a good way of showing information in this dashboard with some comments regarding the structure of the architecture.
Thats the reason there a lot of “Missing Charts” but with the text of how it should look.
Why i choose these 5 Metrics in my Megadashboard:
- General Metrics: Show immediately the amount of transactions/users and the $NEAR Price, should be the most important thing for the people to understand as easily as possible the Reach of Near, Focusing most of these metrics in the citizens can give a good example of how many people Near Protocol reach.
- Transfer & Swaps: Because these are the type of transactions most popular, showing the amount of activity/users/volume is a good way to bring potential investors/whale users, looking for blockchains with healthy amount of USD Volume being moved.
- Governance: Because of the Nature of Near, looking to show some information about Validators and Stake/Unstake Acitivy it should be a good way to bring people interesting in the Future of NEAR, maybe adding some metrics related to Decentralizaton Here can be a good thing too.
- Cities: Is important to show the Dapps most significant in NEAR, show how they’re doing, the amount of citizens/volume they have, and Showcase interesting projects which may bring potential developers to work with Near.
- Revenue & Block Perfomance: Lastly try to show how the Near Blocks work, and how much the USD Volume is moving can be a good thing, there is a significant difference between the volume here and in transfers/swap, because here we can see the TOTAL VOLUME moving in Near.
Ideally the best way to make a MegaDashboard is making a Website using Flipside Data, it brings more attention, can easily segment their information to don’t discourage the User.
But in other case, making a MegaDashboard with links to More Detailed Dashboard is the best way if we’re using Flipside Velocity App to make that.
I didn’t have the skills to show the % of Near Staked, Total and Circulating Supply of Near, i tried my best to provide a Model of Megadashboard.
MetricsDAO Question
Help MetricsDAO outline the needs and required analytical architecture for a potential NEAR mega dashboard. This dashboard will give a holistic view of the NEAR ecosystem, including activity, supply, staking, development, and more.
In this bounty, we’re looking to our analysts to provide the specific requirements and specifications of this NEAR mega dashboard. What features and insights should it offer? What links should it have?
Be sure to also provide a preview of what this mega dashboard might look like by including some sample metrics, such as:
Average Transaction Fee per transaction per week Total number of transactions per week Average block time per week Total number of new wallets per week Total number of active wallets per week Total Supply of NEAR token Circulating Supply of NEAR token
“#”of NEAR staked
% of NEAR staked