$NEAR Swap Outflows
An Extensive Analysis of all Tokens being Swapped out with $NEAR
SWAPS!, the most common event for users in the blockchain environment, in a nutshell there is always at least 2 transfers:
- X User sending their Token to Swap to change for (IN)
- X User receiving the Token they Swap for (OUT)
Today you’ll see swap activity related to swaps using the $NEAR as IN, so when i said swap is always this type of swap Because there is a lot of graphics i suggest read this first to known the general overview of this dashboard.
The first charts are about general metrics of $NEAR swaps, here is the important info of swaps, you’ll see about swap activity in 2022 related to, number of transactions, unique users, amount of $NEAR swapped and the top 10 OUT tokens. With this you already have all the important info about swaps in Near but for more detailed analysis see the other charts.
After that we’ll look at the swap activity (no more $NEAR by amount) but for all the OUT tokens swapped with $NEAR, you’ll see all the tokens being separated by category, and also you’ll known more about some interesting tokens in the Near blockchain.
There is a category i called NFT_COLLECTION, because the users create their tokens with a “x.tkn.near” address, but is most accurated to say that these are mostly meme/scam tokens, to have in consideration!.
Swaps by Categories
When i say categories i refer to the nature of the token itself, there are 89 tokens swapped OUT, and i was looking for the direction of all of them to look for ways to categorize them, not all of them are going to appear because i focused mostly at 2022, however their swaps are counted in the total charts below.
Swaps by Assets Category.
- ASSETS: Are the Tokens using the Rainbow Bridge to enter NEAR, or native/stable coins such as “AURORA or aurora” being:
- aaaaaa20d9e0e2461697782ef11675f668207961.factory.bridge.near the contract for AURORA Native coin from their Layer-2.
- aurora the contract for ETH (such a simple contract).
- usn the contract for USN (The US NEAR) another stablecoin.
- sol.token.a11bd.near for SOL
- These are some examples of contracts these assets tokens have, but most of the contracts name have %.factory.bridge.near and i use this to label a lot of bridged tokens as assets.
The NULL value in Assets refers to e99de844ef3ef72806cf006224ef3b813e82662f.factory.bridge.near token (don’t have a token label)
Swaps by NFT_COLLECTION category
NFT_COLLECTIONS: Are the tokens which have “%.tkn.near” in their contract, this contract is a default contract for people who wants to create their token in Near.
There is a lot of .tkn.near tokens which have names such as NEAR/USDC/ETH made by bad citizens of NEAR who wants to scam, others with some “Cursed” names.
However Marmaj (marmaj.tkn.near) tokens are used as intended and in a good way!, because there is a lot of these tokens swapped daily.
There are NFTs marketplaces for collections in Near, the reason i put this name as category is my mistake i was thinking of these tokens as NFT when they’re really more of “meme coins” in Near.
The null value here refers to the following contract hbsc.tkn.near
Swaps by HARVEST category
- HARVEST: Are the tokens you get for participate or farm these are:
- SWEAT: The Token you get for walk, a really good city in Near with focus in healthcare.
- ATO: A token you get for create or solve riddles/puzzles.
- ZOD: A token you get for connecting your GPU/CPU for others to use them.
- ELECTRIK: A token you get for staking your Near Dragon Nation NFT.
- MYRIA: A token you get for “getting likes” and do tasks in their Social Apps.
- Cheddar: A token you mint with $NEAR
- UTO: A token you get for holding a Secret Skellies Society NFT
Most of these Tokens started in 2021, but it’s seems that MYRIA started this year (for the high number of swaps), nowadays these tokens are rarely swaped, but they still have value for some citizens.
Swaps by NFT_GAME category
- NFT_GAME: Are the tokens from Play-to-earn projects these are:
- PUMPOPOLY: A token from pumpopoly, a virtual real estate simulator reminiscent of classic real estate board games.
- GEM GOLD ELIXIR: Tokens from landtoempire game, a mobile ready strategy game.
- SHRM: A token from Shroom Kingdom, a platform game
- PXT: A token from Pixel DApps, featuring various games with pixel art.
These Cities from Near aren’t really interesting for the citizens, most of them were games with the intention of making a fast play-to-earn game during the Cryptoboom of 2021, and that can be saw in the following chart.
- Using Flipside Data Tables which were community curated by MetricsDao:
- near.core.ez_dex_swaps: To get info about the swaps using $Near as token IN.
- Google to find all the links for the tokens OUT.
- Made by Popex404
DBIO is an interesting token because of being a Decentralized BioMedical Network, although there isn’t the same swap activity from the first month, this token is still swapped.
Paras is highly swaped, but being an utility token of a NFT marketplace it’s expected.
BOCACHICA Token seems to appear recently with some swap activity and that’s may be the reason they don’t have a proper label for their reward token yet.
SEAT Token activity seems to have awakened before Halloween so maybe there was an event there which triggers the swap of this token.
The swap activity for these tokens seems to go in a downtrend in July to September, but in October a lot of these tokens started to swap more again.
Most of the Citizens that swapped $NEAR on NEAR, stopped their activities after the first quarter of the year, but these citizens aren’t the pilar of swaps in NEAR because the spike of swap activity was reached in JUNE 13 with only 28 Swappers of $NEAR with 6375 Swaps and 1.6M Amount of $NEAR traded, These 28 swapper are probably a few group of people using bots on multiple accounts to swap using the Cheaper&Faster transactions that Near Provides.
- These users also are present in the latest spike of $NEAR Amount & Swap activity at October 13.
- yuxsccc being the citizen at first place both days.
- In that day the most token by category swapped was assets.
- USDT/USDC/WBTC/WOO/CELO/ETH Were the assets most swapped in both days.
- There is a lot of citizens which were present in both days.
For tokens swapped OUT by category, the most swapped were ASSETS followed by DeFi and then at third Place OTHERS.
- Assets token most swapped are: USDT-USDC-AURORA-ETH-CELO-OCT-DAI-WBTC-WOO-USN
- DeFi token most swapped are: REF-stNEAR-PEM-JUMBO-nUSDO
- Others token most swapped are: PARAS-DBIO-DEIP
- NFT_Collection (4th place category) token most swapped is: marmaj
- Harvest (5th place) token most swapped is: MYRIA
- NFT_Games (last place) token most swapped is: PXT
All these tokens are the favorite to swap, but consider that the best tokens of categories from the 3rd to last place have an amount of swaps that may be inferior to tokens not mentioned in the Asset/DeFi categories. So most of the Assets/DeFi Tokens are the most swapped, i was only mention the best tokens by category.
Tokens that are rallying in the last month.
- Most of the DeFi and Assets token are the most swapped in October, and will always be because of these citizens which swap using bot+ multiple accounts.
Ref finance and Metapool are the strongest DeFi until June, from that point REF starts to being less and less swapped the same happens to Metapool, potential DeFi token appears in June as BRRR having a lot of swap activity at the beginning but also dissapearing very fast. This isn’t the case for the PERM token which also starts to gain momentum in June being the token most swaped.
In general REF and STNEAR are the token most swapped, PEM/JUMBO/nUSDO also are swapped a lot by month, and SKYWARD/BRRR seems to have good months and bad months with their swaps.
← What is NEAR?
Near is a Layer 1 blockchain, with the appeal of being a Social Blockchain, aiming for the masses, Near uses named accounts (yourusername.near) and is built to be especially easy for developers to use (JavaScript Friendly) thats why:
Near Calls their users Citizens and their DApps Cities.
$NEAR is the Native Token
NEAR blockchain scaling mechanism (Nightshade sharding) provides a low cost, High speed transactions.
NEAR works towards making the world a better place having a certified climate neutrality by South Pole and with a low energy footprint thanks to their innovative blockchain design.
Besides that, there is a lot of Social DApps such as (Image Logos Below Near Logo):
Last, for all the users looking for something more "Ethereum Friendly”, Near Layer-2 Aurora is the EVM for these people.

Wrapped_NEAR or wNEAR is called the $NEAR when is swapped IN, the rest of the tokens aren’t $NEAR.
Most of Near unique swappers disappeared after the first months of 2022, when the crypto-market start their bear tendency, although there are a few users now most of them swaps regularly increasing the average swap.
Now for the $Near Amount, as expected the top 10 tokens to swap OUT are assets, UDST/USDC are the favorites and then comes the ETH/BITCOIN, there are some DeFi/CeFi tokens such as (REF/STNEAR/WOO/OCT/CELO) and not as popular as the other USD tokens comes the DAI.
It’s seems that although the number of swappers is downtrending, total swaps don’t correlate with that trend and in later months the number of swaps and $NEAR amount spikes at June 13, this spike is special because correlates with number of swaps and number of $NEAR. In recent months the same spike can be saw at October 13, although in a lower scale, so to compare these 2 points i present the list of swappers that swap on that day
We have a MATCH, in both days the user yuxsccc was swapping as crazy during the day with the high number of swaps and high NEAR Amount, citizens like pizzamaker, aldor, grandalex, chad_money (seems to drop their _ ), sneaky1, hanquocb/hanquocz/hanquock (seems to have multiple accounts), bignumber, frisky, trancung, ripterra, xxxs, really+something (seems to have multiple accounts), are also swaping these days.
As explained before, although most unique swappers leave NEAR after the first Q1, a lot of swappers (and their multiple accounts) seems to keep swapping $NEAR using the faster&cheaper transactions Near provides.
So with that you’ll have now a better overview of swaps in NEAR, now the rest of this dashboard will focus in the analysis of the rest of the tokens being swapped OUT
As expected ASSETS is the category most swapped, with the most number of transactions followed by DeFi tokens, from the Month-to-Month chart is possible to see how most of the categories follow the same trend, at the start goes downtrend, uptrend in April, and then stay still until June where the spike is reached. My favorite trend is the NFT_GAME category:
- It goes from the Thousands to the Hundreds to the Eighties, and then to the hundreds, to the thousands, then again, to the hundreds to the fifties, seventeen and in October 32 total swaps, so maybe the swap amount goes up again in November, at least more than 32 swaps.
OCT from Octopus Network was a real popular token swapped at the start of the year being 2nd Place until March where it start to lose momentum and is now less swap.
WOO from WOOfi appears as the 4th most swapped asset in June , and then stays close at one of the assets most swapped.
Overall USDT-USDC-AURORA-ETH-CELO-OCT-DAI-WBTC-WOO-USN are the assets with most swaps, some of them may have some bad months in swap activity, but the rest of the months, their swap is higher to compensate this.
It’s seems that PXT is the most successful play-to-”Near”.
One of the strong points is that a difference from Land-to-empire which tries to uses 3 different tokens, PXT is a unique Token for all the games PixelDApps have.
These games also seem fun with a lot of pixel art details, so it was normal for the citizens of Near to play these games and swap their $NEAR for PXT.
It’s seems that a lot of citizens swapped during the TERRA/LUNA Crash so it may seem that PXT value was affected by this event.
Swaps by Others Category
- Others: Are the tokens i didn’t known where to put, because of their concept or simply because i didn’t find more about they.
$SPLASH: A NFT Music Event Series, during 12 weeks during May 4th until July 27th (2022) citizens can mint these tokens using a minting system called FonoRoot.
AD: adtoken.near.
SEAT: SeatlabNFT token, you can buy tickets for events as NFT here and SEAT is their governance token.
null: token.bocachica_mars.near, don’t have a label but is a initial DEX offering (IDO) Platform call BOCA CHICA.
AVRIT: avrit.near.
DEIP: Creator Economy Protocol.
DBIO: The Anonymous-First Appchain for Medical and Bioinformatics Services & Data
PARAS: A Utility token for Paras, NFT Marketplace on Near