Network Performance Dashboard


    • Q95. Create a dashboard displaying Solana network performance over time.
    • How has the network performed over the past month compared to the rest of the year? Has transaction per second and success rates of transactions gone up recently? Is this because of less botting or fewer users, or new improvements from the Solana engineers? What wallets and programs have paid the most in fees for failed transactions?


    • Solana is a blockchain which has been in the bearmarket for a long period of time, their stablecoin (SOL) value is only 1/4 of their value in April of this year for example. Besides transactions in the Solana blockchain have a higher fail rate which is going to be the focus of this dashboard.
    • Is Solana network performance better in the past month?, there is a correlation with their network improvements or with their usage?


    • First, both TPS graphs have different volume, the main one uses the tx_count from solana.core.fact_blocks, the second counts the tx_id from flipside_prod_db.solana.fact_transactions and although both graphics shares the tendency, the first one is an activity per seconds and the later only a transaction per second.
    • Solana tps activity is like a seesaw, it drops a couple of days and after that raises a couple of days and we can see the same trend all the year in the first graphic, but, looking at the activity at the start of June we can see an uptrend after the first half of June onwards, so the tps has increased in the past weeks.
    • Although tps activity has been in a uptrend, the failure rate of transactions also has increased, in June 12 the failure rate of transactions was really close to the sucessful rate of transactions.
    • Null means the rest of swappers, and “users” is a way to call bots, because the top 10 users with most swaps in 2022 are probably bots accounts,
    • There is a stronger bot activity from May until June 6, and after that it drops a bit from half June onwards it doesn’t correlate the transactions with the bot usage looking at May 22/25, days with a strong bot activity but in a valley of swapping.
    • But, the unique addresses activity has been in a downtrend after April (The month where the Sol price was at his highest).
    • I can’t make a conclusion regarding the correlation of bots with the swapping activity, because i only look at the activity of the top 10 bots, although we can conclude that bot activity has dropped in the past month.

    Final Analysis and Methodology

    • Regarding June activity, there is a lot of gas used in failed transactions, and the higher were a signer with dual address(5AmZ…F1hK, Cuie…kRQq), all these signers may have been bots because of the amount of gas used.

    • The programs with most failed rate are mv3e…BG68 and JUP2…Jvfo, which are Mango Program V3 the first and Jupiter Aggregator v2 the second third place is the Serum Program (9xQe…Vfin).

    • For the Methodology, i used the Flipside’s Data Bank Tables:

      • solana.core.fact_blocks: To get actions per seconds in Solana.
      • flipside_prod_db.solana.fact_transactions: To get tps in Solana with success/fail, and the users with most gas used in failed transactions.
      • solana.core.fact_events: To get the programs with most fails.
      • solana.core.fact_swaps: To get the “bot” activity.


    • After Half June, there is an uptrend in the transactions per second in Solana, although the failed transactions presents, also, this uptrend.
    • There is few users and bots interacting with Solana in the past days, so it seems to be correlated with the tps trend.
    • Dex Programs like Mango, Jupiter and Serum presents the most failure rate in June 2022.
    • An user with “dual address” is the wallet with most gas used in failed transactions.