New Users Behaviour in Osmosis
How Many Users are in Osmosis Since 2023?, Are they active?, Today I'll look into the activity from new users since 2023 in Osmosis to see what are doing the new users recently.
- There are more than 10k of New Users Since the start of 2023 and more than 100k of Transactions made by them.
- 9.5k of them received assets via an internal transfer or an IBC Bridge from other Blockchain.
- 4104 of them made only 1 transaction.
It’s seems that most of the new users are doing a few of transactions and most of the activity comes from heavy DEX Traders new accounts.
- More than Half of the Transactions are Swaps.
- Although there are more than 100 distinct pools interacted by users, the top Pools of OSMO↔(ATOM/USDC) Have most of the activity.
Osmosis is a Trading Blockchain as we can see by the amount of Swaps Transactions made by New users, almost 50% of the new users staked some tokens meanwhile only a 20% provide liquidity to a pool.
Made by Popex404, Twitter Link Here
Image Source: Osmosis
Using FlipsideCrypto Tables of Osmosis:
To get Information about Users withtx_from
and Transactions withtx_id.
- To get New users simply filter all the Users that made their first transaction in 2023 with
min(block_timestamp) >= ‘2023-01-01’
- To get New users simply filter all the Users that made their first transaction in 2023 with
To get information aboutSenders
of Transfers and get the type of transfer withTRANSFER_TYPE
and the token amount withAmount/pow(10,Decimal)*price
where price comes fromosmosis.core.ez_prices
after joining usingcurrency and block_timestamp::date=recorded_hour::date
To get Information about this action usingtx_id
from new users.osmosis.core.fact_staking:
To get Information about this action usingtx_id
from new users.osmosis.core.fact_staking_rewards:
To get Information about this action usingtx_id
from new users.osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
: To get Information about this action usingtx_id
from new users.osmosis.core.fact_governance_votes:
To get Information about this action usingtx_id
from new users.osmosis.core.fact_swaps:
To get information about Swaps usingtx_id
and Swappers usingTRADER
🔎Transactions Behaviour of New users - Analysis🔍
- Almost 70% of the User made 5 or less transactions in Osmosis.
- A 0.106% of the Users (11) Made More than 36.2% of the total transactions
- A single user made 11% of the Total Transactions
Most of the transaction activity from new users came from a 1.36% of the new users which made more than 50 Transactions in Osmosis this new Year.
🔮Welcome to the Osmosis Zone🔮
- Osmosis is a Layer-1 Blockchain built on the Cosmos framework, operates a decentralized exchange (DEX) and the $OSMO is the native token which serves as governance and staking for users.
- DEX: A peer-to-peer market where users can buy and sell assets (Crypto-tokens) without giving their private keys to an intermediate.
- Osmosis is a DEX blockchain, and you can see that immediately in their website, the first thing you see when you enter is the option to swap your assets.

🔎New users - Analysis🔍
The amount of New users is really low compared to Old users, with a percentage from 3.6 to 0.8% of the total Daily Active users being New Users.
- But we can see that their daily growth is really good, in 13 days they reach 5k users and in 26 days almost 10k of users.
- The daily amount of new users is always above 300 (Don’t Mind the last day because doesn’t end at the moment).
It’s seems that active users in Osmosis have some days of more activity than others.
🔎Transactions - Analysis🔍
10K of users made 100k of Transactions, although this isn’t completely true because in the first days there isn’t too much users, and because of that every day the transactions made by new users increases.
- In the last 2 days of January 25&26 we can see that Transactions from New users made a 6%-5% of the total daily transactions in Osmosis.
- Half of the total transactions made by new users are Swaps.
- 11.7% are Bridge from Osmosis to Other IBC blockchain.
- There are 28k of transactions that aren’t considered in the Actions.
- Probably they’re messages txs like approve tokens to swap considering the high amount of swap activity.
🔎Transfers To New users - Analysis🔍
Daily Activity of Tokens considers only the Top 10 Tokens for a better visualization
- Most of the New Users in Osmosis received Assets.
- And the amount of Internal Transfers and IBC Bridge To Osmosis is almost the Same.
- Every day the amount of ATOM, USDC and OSMO is more significant than the rest of tokens.
- ATOM is the favorite token to receive and the activity from Stake Atom (STATOM) is significant too.
- January 22&23 are the days with most Transfer Volume for New Users.
🔎Transfers From New users - Analysis🔍
Daily Activity of Tokens considers only the Top 10 Tokens for a better visualization
- Only a half of the New users are sending assets.
- Most of the transfers are Bridges to other IBC Blockchains.
- OSMO is the favorite asset to send
- January 22 is the day with most Volume for transfers from New Users.