Popex404Second Method, Poison Wallets total Winnings since Poisoning Trend
    Updated 2023-01-13
    with cte1 as ( --Get Scam Wallets
    select from_address as "Scam", to_address as "Affected"
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
    where amount_usd < 0.1
    and substr(from_address,0,6) = substr(to_address,0,6)
    and substr(from_address,-5,5) = substr(to_address,-5,5)
    and from_address != to_address
    and from_address not in (select address from ethereum.core.dim_labels)
    cte2 as ( --Get Scam Wallets winnings in tokens, filter by the initial poisoning trend date
    to_address as "Poison Wallets",
    sum(amount_usd) as "$USD Received"
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
    where to_address in (select distinct "Scam" from cte1)
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-11-27'
    and amount_usd is not null
    group by 1
    cte3 as ( --Get Scam Wallets winnings in ethereum, filter by the initial poisoning trend date
    eth_to_address as "eth Poison Wallets",
    sum(amount_usd) as "eth $USD Received"
    from ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers
    where eth_to_address in (select distinct "Scam" from cte1)
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-11-27'
    and amount_usd is not null
    group by 1

    select "Poison Wallets",
    case when "$USD Received" is null then 0 else "$USD Received" end as "Token $USD",
    case when "eth $USD Received" is null then 0 else "eth $USD Received" end as "ETH $USD",
    "Token $USD" + "ETH $USD" as "$USD Winnings"
    from cte2 left join cte3 on "Poison Wallets" = "eth Poison Wallets"
    order by 4 desc
    Run a query to Download Data