Popex404#2 Dexalot UDSC-EUROC
    date_trunc('d',block_timestamp) as "Day",
    when "Day" < '2023-07-05' then 'Before Dexalot Announcement'
    else 'After Dexalot Announcement' end as "Type",
    count(distinct tx_hash) as "Transactions",
    count (distinct (case when decoded_log:to='0x1fd108cf42a59c635bd4703b8dbc8a741ff834be' then decoded_log:from else decoded_log:to end)) as "Active Users",
    sum(tx_fee) as "$AVAX Gas Fees"
    from avalanche.core.ez_decoded_event_logs left join avalanche.core.fact_transactions using (tx_hash)
    where "Day" >= '2023-06-20'
    and event_name='Transfer'
    and (decoded_log:to='0x1fd108cf42a59c635bd4703b8dbc8a741ff834be' OR decoded_log:from='0x1fd108cf42a59c635bd4703b8dbc8a741ff834be')
    group by 1,2
    Run a query to Download Data