Popex404Cumulative Holders DYDX by Balance
    Updated 2024-07-24
    with lastdate as (select
    USER_ADDRESS as address,
    FROM ethereum.core.ez_current_balances
    where symbol='DYDX' and token_name='dYdX'
    and user_address not in (select address from ethereum.core.dim_labels where address_name is not null)
    and current_bal is not null and current_bal >0
    GROUP BY 1

    Date_trunc('day',LAST_ACTIVITY_BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as "Date",
    count (distinct case when current_bal <= 10 then user_address else null end) as "a",
    count (distinct case when current_bal > 10 and current_bal <= 100 then user_address else null end) as "b",
    count (distinct case when current_bal > 100 and current_bal <= 1000 then user_address else null end) as "c",
    count (distinct case when current_bal > 1000 and current_bal <= 10000 then user_address else null end) as "d",
    count (distinct case when current_bal > 10000 and current_bal <= 100000 then user_address else null end) as "e",
    count (distinct case when current_bal > 100000 and current_bal <= 1000000 then user_address else null end) as "f",
    count (distinct case when current_bal > 1000000 and current_bal <= 10000000 then user_address else null end) as "g",
    count (distinct case when current_bal > 10000000 then user_address else null end) as "h",
    sum ("a") over (order by "Date") as "a 10 or Less DYDX",
    sum ("b") over (order by "Date") as "b 10-100 DYDX",
    sum ("c") over (order by "Date") as "c 100-1,000 DYDX",
    sum ("d") over (order by "Date") as "d 1,000-10,000 DYDX",
    sum ("e") over (order by "Date") as "e 10,000-100,000 DYDX",
    sum ("f") over (order by "Date") as "f 100,000-1,000,000 DYDX",
    sum ("g") over (order by "Date") as "g 1,000,000-10,000,000 DYDX",
    sum ("h") over (order by "Date") as "h more than 10M DYDX"
    FROM ethereum.core.ez_current_balances join lastdate on address = user_address and cohortDate = LAST_ACTIVITY_BLOCK_TIMESTAMP
    where symbol='DYDX' and token_name='dYdX'
    and current_bal is not null and current_bal >0
    GROUP BY 1
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived