Solana NFT Project Feature

    Project = ThugBirdz

    • Choose a NFT project from the following list and create a dashboard with the new Flipside dashboard layout that can refresh once a day highlighting at least 4 metrics of your choosing that helps show the "health" of the project.
    • Note any noticeable trends or current events for the project. Highlight how liquidity is flowing in and out of the project and what types of buyers and sellers are interacting with the project.

    What is THUG BIRDZ?

    • ThugBirdz is a NFT collection of 3333 uniquely OG birdz.
    • One of the first solana NFT communities.
    • The main airdrop was scheduled for August 22, 2021.
    • They are also divided into four gang roles:
      • 2970 or 89% of them are Thugs.
      • 9% or 315 of them are Enforcer.
      • 0.9 % or 25 of them are Underboss.
      • 1 thug bird is Boss.
    • 10% of their sales will go to a foundation that works towards saving the wildlife of India
    • ThugBirdz were created at the start of the year 2021, both batches have the same NFTs but only the August release has an unique creator_address for all the NFTs:
      • AvkbtawpmMSy571f71WsWEn41ATHg5iHw27LoYJdk8QA
    • From the data in Flipside there is only 3306 of 3333 NFTs trackable

    There is no place to use contract_address in Solana tables, but we can look to each NFT individually using their MINT address (Unique address representing a specific token according to Flipside Docs)

    • Using mint from solana.core.dim_nft_metadata to join with mint from solana.core.fact_nft_sales:
      • Sales Volume is in Sol, according to Flipside Docs.
      • Data starts from December 1, 2021.
      • There is information about 1286 ThugBirdz only, after the join.
    • The big thing to notice in this graphic, is how the sales volume changes from the start to the end, Initially we have spikes that goes from over 3k Sol (December 19) to 2k Sol (January 27) then 1.7k Sol (April 4) and nowadays the big spike was 649 Sol (June 29), this correlates with the Sol Price situation, because their price is in a downtrend, and after May the Sol Price is really low.
    • Although Sales volume is in a downtrend, there is a lot of activity in June 29, the bigger after the May Luna/Terra incident, which means that a lot of users still trade their NFTs nowadays.

    Insights from NFTs and Users.

    • ThugBird #2251 is the most expensive. With a sales volume of 260 Sol with only 2 transactions, this birdz is present in 3 of the graphs, being sold and buyed by 160 Sol.
    • The most transactions a ThugBirdz has is 7, and only 10 ThugBirdz have this number, with #3281,#1842,#806,#596 being present in both top 10 ThugBirdz.
    • There is not buyer which has bought more than 1 ThugBirdz, the same with the sellers, both graphics only presents 1 transaction of 1 ThugBirdz.
    • CGkCJwRiyQ2xkNwrhMejbzJFrRhQAxn912Si4fNtxuBS The seller of #2251, only has 12 Sol in their account, so is a normal user.
    • 5opmnTt2ryBUf8pi9g4iaK3a3Uie5Jctx8eyPfTQTbpq The Buyer of #2251, has fewer than 1 Sol, a normal user.
    • Most of the sellers doesn’t have too much Sol balance in their accounts.
    • 3tMUpsf39Wumvp5oX1ArcG1oyJBWk4GeE7uuouY1kDxM buyer of #2851, has 44 Sol in their account, doesn’t make a whale but still is a lot higher than the rest of top buyers.


    • My method of looking at ThugBirdz Data in Flipside wasn’t really good, first because from the solana.core.dim_nft_metadata i got 3306 of the 3333 NFTs Only, and after the join with solana.core.fact_nft_sales, on “Mint” i got info from about 1286 Thunderbirdz.


    • But this info is enough to have a clear view of the activity in ThugBirdz, their sales volume were pretty high from December 2021 to April 2022, after that, their sales volume goes in a downtrend, this isn’t the case for their activity volume which raises in June 29 with a lot of Transactions, although their sales volume is low, people are still buying and selling their ThugBirdz.

    • Although data about buyers and sellers is restricted to 1 transaction only, i didn’t get a good view about users which have trade more than 1 Thugbirdz, so i can’t have a conclusion if they exist and if they’re whales or not, but for the Users which make it to the top 10 (buying/selling the same type of NFT) all of they are regular users, with balance of a few solanas, with the exception of one which has 44 sol.

      • 3tMUpsf39Wumvp5oX1ArcG1oyJBWk4GeE7uuouY1kDxM (44 sol)