Terra - 10. Light as a Feather

    How Impactful was the announcement of this Official Terra Wallet in Terra?. Have Activity increased or decreased 1 week before and after the announcement? I'll analyze the impact of terra announcement and see if the activity after was higher or lower.


    Terra Interchain Wallet - Terra Station

    In January 14 Terra officially launched their station wallet in the New Terra, a wallet that users were fond of it in Terra classic.

    • Terra Station can be acceded in their official web app or downloaded as an extension for diferents web browsers (Chrome & Firefox) and differents Operating Systems (Linux, Windows, Mac).
    • Terra Station Wallet is also an interchain wallet and that means users can interact with other blockchains from the Inter-Blockchain Communication.
    • And most important This wallet connects Terra and Terra Classic
    • Users can easily stake their $LUNA.
    • Users can import an existing Terra Station or Interchain wallet such as Keplr and others (Docs)

    More Information from this announcement in their Tweet and Medium Article.

    The 🔥Hype🔥 in 🌎Terra🌍 after Terra Station Launch

    We’ll look at activity in Terra in a range of 14 days to measure the impact of the announcement in the Terra blockchain.

    • Before Announcement: January 7 until January 13
    • After Announcement: January 14 until January 20

    With these date ranges we’ll see how is the impact of the new wallet announcement in differents areas such as:

    • General Activity: Transactions, Users and Contracts.
    • Swap Activity
    • NFT Sales Activity

    There is a high amount of pie/bar charts, and this is because the information they provide is the better for this case, they show exactly the total amount of these time periods!

    I suggest to check always the difference between January 8 and 15, to see how this official announcement improved the activity of a Sunday


    After the announcement a lot of differents areas spiked in activity and the $LUNA price also spiked reaching the $2.

    I think of three possible cases that explain this surge in activity:

    • After the announcement $LUNA price increased and therefore the Activity.
    • $LUNA Price didn’t increase because of the announcement but for other factors raising the activity.
    • Activity Increased because of the Announcement and therefore $LUNA price.

    These are my three possible cases, ==but i think that the announcement was the reason of the spike in both activity and price and my reason is:

    Activity reached a Spike 1 day after the announcement in January 15, a ==SUNDAY!!!

    Is very rare for a Sunday to have a spike in overall activity (Just look at January 8 Activity), and also the $LUNA price considering that most of the markets are freeze in Weekends, so is very probably that people after reading the announcement create their station wallet and started interacting with Dapps, specially Decentralized Exchanges.

    We can see a surge in Swaps activity after the announcement with a lot of swaps made, and all these kinds of activity made the $LUNA price increase the following days.

    NFT Sales doesn’t seem to be exactly correlated with the announcement, but still there are some spikes in the days after.

    There is a lot of new contracts days after the announcement, and significant spikes in new users.

    The announcement increased the Activity in Terra reaching a powerful spike in the Weekend


    Images Source: Terra Station

    Using FlipsideCryto New Terra Tables:

    • All the Queries have a Case to compare exactly 7 days before and after the announcement
    • terra.core.fact_transactions: To get Info about Transactions (TX_ID), Transactions Fee (FEE) and Users (tx_Sender).
    • terra.core.ez_messages: To get the contracts after filter withmessage_type like '%Contract%' and then count(message_value:contract) to get the **==Active and New Contract==**s & count(tx_id) to get the times a contract is deployed.
    • terra.core.ez_swaps: To get the Swaps with tx_id and trader for the swappers, also i get the $LUNA Price using the swaps from $LUNA to Stablecoins $axlUSDC and $axlUSDT.
    • terra.core.fact_nft_sales: To get the NFT Sales Activity with purchaser for the buyers, count(*) for the sales and sales_amount*/pow(10,6) to get the $LUNA Volume that i convert to $USD after joining it with my $LUNA price cte.

    Made by Popex404, Twitter Link Here

    🔎Swaps Activity - Analysis🔍

    After the announcement swapper activity increased reaching some spikes for swappers in January 15 with 407 Distinct Swappers in Terra.

    • There are more than 8% Swappers in the time period after the announcement than before

    Swaps presents an explosive increase in activity after the announcement with more people swapping reaching more than 6000 swaps in January 15.

    • Swap activity has one of the biggest difference between the 2 time periods with more than 17% of total Swaps after the announcement

    🔎Contract Activity - Analysis🔍

    The amount of Active Contracts increased after the announcement, more people used differents Dapps in Terra the following days.

    Although the amount of New contracts doesn’t present an uptrend after the announcement in January 18 & 19 a lot of new contracts appeared and these spikes show us that the announcement could have an influence.

    • There is almost 10% of new contracts in the time period after than before.

    And the times a contract is deployed increased considerably after the announcement, reaching the highest spikes than the days before.

    • There is almost 8% of more contract deployment after the announcement than before.

    đź“ŠDaily Impact of Terra Station in $LUNA - Users - Transactions - Contractsđź“Š


    🔎Transactions, Users and $LUNA Price - Analysis🔍

    • $LUNA was in a stagnant period the days before the announcement, but since the announcement it started to uptrend reaching the $2 Price in January 16.
    • Daily Transactions increased after the announcement by 9,000 in comparison with the previous day, and reached a spike of 25,835 transactions in January 15.
      • There is almost a 10% of more transactions after the announcement than before.
    • After the announcement Active users also increased reaching a spike of 3967 Active users in January 15
      • There is an increase of 6.7% active users the following days after the announcement.
    • It’s seems that new users also increased after the announcement of this new wallet, and in January 15 reached a spike of 326 new users.
      • After the announcement there is almost 10% of New users in comparison with the past period.

    January 15, 1 day after the Announcement has the biggest activity spikes for users and transactions.


    🔎Transactions per Second (TPS), Transaction per User (TPU) and Transaction Fees - Analysis🔍

    There is a notable increase in the TPS and TPU the day of the announcement followed by an uptrend and reaching a spike in January 15==. But after that, the activity decreases.

    The Transactions fees per users increased after the announcement and this is also true for the total fees with January 15 reaching a total of 360 $LUNA being spent in Fees.

    The amount of of total fees in the period after the announcement is bigger than before with more than 6%


    đź“ŠDaily Impact of Terra Station in Swaps Activityđź“Š


    đź“ŠDaily Impact of Terra Station in NFT Sales Activityđź“Š


    🔎NFT Sales - Analysis🔍

    • The amount of Buyers increase after the announcement, specially 1 day after in January 15. There is more than 12% of Buyers in the period After.
    • Sales Activity reach a spike in January 19 but it doesn’t seem to be directly affected by the announcement.
      • There are more Sales after than Before.
    • Although $USD Sales volume doesn’t reach a bigger spike after the announcement, ==the total amount in the period after is higher by a 6% than the time period before.