The King of Swaps in Near
Who is the Number One Swapper of all time in Near?, When it started swapping?. My Near Open Space is going to be about this User and see how good or bad is making a profit doing Swaps in this Bearish Season.
First Activity Transaction Hash
- First Transaction: C5YfBDSNtvUHyTUJnJXN5X9hTDnaEMq1CRBbdQf81r59
- Creation of their Name yuxsccc.near.
- First Stake: H2qapRCPqNxp8u3GTt39EqvgbvZgBuTk2ARXvMuBhHyo
- Staked 2,000 $NEAR to 01node.poolv1.near.
- Received 1,999.99 $NEAR minutes before in this transaction
- First Transfer: 4F4LEBRKpT18C7CVbDMYEDxMSooY68hKsugqejmH1zt6
- First Swap: 4kUjjEVMDwuyXda1VFwFsKk5toxkxeYNMtdKsKJSxEs9
The goal of this dashboard was to learn from the #1 Heavy DEX Trader in the Near Protocol and learn more about swapping.
- We can see that yuxscccc.near have a lot of activity and money involved in swaps, with an average of $1400 involved in swaps, and Ref Finance is the DEX used daily for his swaps.
- His swap activity seems to have polished over the year, now he made less swaps saving more $NEAR in gas, but the Net Volume Traded is less.
- Although the Net $USD Show us a loss of -4M, is difficult to see if he lost more or less money because the $USD price wasn’t available for all tokens swapped.
- Aside from that we can see that Yuxsccc.near presence in both amount of swaps and swapped Volume is really high.
- In the end the swaps made with WOO/ETH/wBTC → wNEAR are the ones with most winnings overall, but because of that, the swap to the other way isn’t as profitable, and that is where the challenge is looking for a way to swap your wNEAR without losing too much value.
You can’t win without losing, and this trader is an example of that but we can conclude that Near Protocol and Ref Finance provides a good environment to Heavy DEX Traders such as Yuxsccc.near.
Made by Popex404, Twitter Link Here
🔍Swap Revenue of Yuxsccc.near - Analysis🔍
We can see that the percentage of $USD Volume in Swap (IN) has very similar trends to the percentage of Swaps Transactions, but this time the percentage goes above the 50%, and have fewer days with percentage below 10%.
The Net $USD Amount have bigger fluctuations in May, with some days having more than (100k or -100k) in Net $USD
- It’s seems that one of the biggest reason behind these fluctuactions is because the $USD Volume used in swaps with the Pool ID 1207 wNEAR ↔ ETH increased, and we can see that daily, the swaps made here have the biggest values of Positive and Negative Net $USD Amounts.
The ETH→ wNEAR swaps have a net value of 35,736,833.252295 positive $USD but you need to consider that the wNEAR → ETH swaps have a net value of -37,890,281.6428984 negative $USD leaving a Real NET of -2,153,448.3906 $USD.
In the end if we consider all the $USD Amounts, or at least the possibles here with the
Prices table
, Yuxscccc.near has lost a total of -4.03M $USD by swapping in 2022.
🔍 General Metrics of Yuxsccc.near - Analysis🔍
Yuxsccc.near is the only user with more than 10% of Total Swaps in near or 1/5 of the Total Swaps if we considered only swaps since their first day as swapper.
- 95.7% of the total activity of Yuxsccc.near is Swaps, and from the 4.3% of the rest activity 8,039 transactions were submit between yuxsccc.near and aurora as the receiver.
- There are only 4 days where the amount of swaps is below 100, March 14 (1 swap), March 15(4 swaps), September 3 (55 swaps), December 10 (59 swaps).
- $wNEAR is their favorite token to swap.
- Before Swapping, it’s seems that Yuxsccc.near was interested in Staking, because in their First day (January 11) and February 1, he did stakes transactions but ultimately decided to unstaked all amount and start swapping.
- It’s seems that after spending too much $NEAR in transactions fees during their first months as swapper, he improve his swaps activity making fewer swaps saving much more $NEAR.
Near Protocol is a Public Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Blockchain
- Aims to bring decentralization finance (DeFi) to the masses with low transfer fees and fast transactions.
- With their sharding technology (Nightshade) they achieve speed and scalability.
- Uses PoS consensus to secure and validate transactions on the blockchain.
- In Proof-of-Stake, users show support to specific network validators by delegating NEAR tokens to them. This process is known as staking. The main idea is that, if a validator has a large amount of tokens delegated is because the community trusts them, and these validators can validate block transactions and add more blocks to the Blockchain.
- Validators earn NEAR Token rewards for producing new blocks in the form of a static inflation rate of about 4.5% each year.
- Stakers get rewarded in the form of that token, too. The token’s all-time highest price was $20.44 in January 2022.
Sources: Coindesk, Near blog, The Defiant, Nightshade

Who is yuxsccc.near?
In my previous report of $NEAR Swaps, I was watching user activity on a few spikes and to my surprise found that yuxsccc.near was the #1 Swapper on both days.
So i decided to create a dashboard about him, to find some interesting data regarding this user and their influence in swaps.
- First we’ll look at the Proof of ==Yuxsccc.near== being the number #1 Swapper.
- Then General Metrics about him: First Day of Activity, Daily Activity, favorite tokens to swap, gas usage.
- The we’re going deeper in their swap activity, looking for the percentage of his swaps from the total swaps in near, total swaps by assets swapped in the month, and other info regarding their swap activity.
- Then we’re going to look at the revenue of his swaps, the inflows and outflows from his swaps in $USD Volume, and the pair of tokens swapped by Net percentage of $USD.
- Finally we’ll dig deeper looking for activity of this user from Ethereum, and their $USD inflow to ==his Near Account.==

General Metrics of Yuxsccc.near
To get the First activity i did 5 different CTEs using near.core.fact_transfers -- near.core.fact_transactions -- near.core.ez_dex_swaps -- near.core.ez_nft_mints -- near.core.dim_staking_actions
tables, and then union all
after getting the min(block_timestamp)
of each one, because there wasn’t a single mint made by ==yuxsccc.near== there are only 4 results.
Using the same structure i count (distinct tx_hash)
for each category, and then did an union all
, but for the fact_transactions
table i excluded all the tx_hash
counted on the other categories, with that i get the daily activity, to know the rest of unlabeled transactions i joined near.core.fact_actions_events_function_call
with fact_transactions
by tx_hash
and then used the column Method_name.
For the Gas i used fact_transactions table,
using Transaction_Fee.
For the Swaps i used token_in || ‘ → ‘ || token_out,
and then count (distinct tx_hash)
There isn’t a single token yuxsccc.near swapped that doesn’t have token_in/token_out
with null values.
Proof of Yuxsccc.near is the Swapper #1.
Before the data about yuxsccc.near we’ll look at the total swap activity on NEAR, for that i used the near.core.ez_dex_swaps
table and then i selected trader
to get the swappers and count (distinct tx_hash)
to get the amount of swaps, i did 2 differents queries, one without date restrictions and the second one with only data since the day ==yusxccc.near== did their first swap (March 14, 2022).
Swap Activity of Yuxsccc.near
For the swaps by platform
, i simply used that column from near.core.ez_dex_swaps
to get the daily percentage i have to use 2 CTEs one to get the daily amount of swaps, the second to get the swaps of yuxsccc.near and then joining both CTEs by date and do the follow math UserSwaps/TotalSwaps*100
to get the percentage, for the monthly swaps i used the same algorithm explained above, only this time using date aggregation. Finally for the tps i counted all the transactions made by this user using date aggregation by minute then divided by 60, and then apply daily aggregation and avg/max.
🔍 Swap Activity of Yuxsccc.near - First Analysis🔍
- Since he started Swapping, most of the days he stays above the 10% of the total swaps made daily.
- After June 13 (29% of the total swaps or 0.1 Average tps) his activity decreases having less impact on the total swaps activity, but in October 13 he reaches again 29% and then 36% in November 8, having more impact in the total swaps during the last days of October and all November.
- His Maximum TPS moves between 0.2 to 0.6 usually, his floor is 0.1 and almost reaches 2 in October 13 (1.817)
- His Average TPS moves between 0.04 to 0.08 usually, his floor is 0.02 and maximum 0.14 in May 11.
If you check out the Ref Finance Live tool, you're guaranteed to see his name.

🔍 Swap Activity of Yuxsccc.near - Second Analysis🔍
- The swap data about swaps by platform have some problems to identify the real platform, for example look at this swap here the tx_receiver is dac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7.factory.bridge.near, but the swap was made using v2.ref-finance.near, so we can assume that all the swaps made by this user are from Ref Finance.
- We can see that the pair of Stablecoins (USDC/USDT) and ==wNEAR is the favorite to trade in high amounts monthly.
- Pair of WBTC/ETH and ==wNEAR is the second favorite to made swaps, with a lot of activity each month.
- Finally wNEAR== and WOO is the last pair with high activity in swaps.
Swap Revenue of Yuxsccc.near
To calculate the $USD i used the near.core.fact_prices
to get the daily average $USD price of the tokens and then joining with near.core.ez_dex_swaps
in Date
and Token
, thankfully the swaps table already have the decimal convertion in their amounts, so i only need to multiply. Please consider that not all the tokens swapped are present in the prices
table, so the $USD Numbers aren’t the total, but the important swaps made with wNEAR and ETH/wBTC/USDT/USDC/WOO are present.
I had to do 2 differents CTEs, because i need to join the token
from prices
with the token
from amount_in
in swaps and then amount_out
, after that i join both tables with date
and the assets pair
Yuxsccc.near Ethereum Inflows
Doing a simply search in google leads to me to YuxSccc Opensea profile, their profile is linked to yucha.eth and then i get his Ethereum Address. To get the $USD Flow i simply used
and ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
, then i select the address_name
which is a column that i get after joining these tables with ethereum.core.dim_labels
and the join can be Origin_from_address = Address
in the case i looking for the Inflows or to_address/eth_to_address = Address
if i’m looking the Outflows. finally i need to filter by origin_from_address
or eth_to_address/to_address
= Yucha.eth address
To get the Inflows and Outflows of Yuxsccc.near

🔍Yuxsccc.near Ethereum Inflows - Analysis🔍
Remember the other transactions from Yuxsccc.near Activity?, some of them are correlated with the activity from his Ethereum Account, specially May Activity, the amount of Outflows from Yucha.eth to near:rainbow bridge are bigger in this month, and in Yuxsccc.near Swap $USD Volume, this amount was biggest in May too.
- After May his biggest $USD Flows are in September with FTX Exchange, it’s seems that during the day he withdraw USDC/USDT and then 4 hours after deposited USDC/USDT Again.
- There isn’t another withdraw from FTX Exchange Again and Yucha.eth during November, as we can see in their daily activity.
- But in all the year there are bridges between their accounts in Ethereum and Near.