Algorand's DEX Comparison
Decentralised Exchange Introduction
DEXs, or decentralised exchanges, are peer-to-peer markets where cryptocurrency traders may conduct transactions without entrusting the administration of their assets to a middleman or custodian. Smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts written in computer code, are used to expedite these transactions.
This Dashboard enables viewers to examine the details of Algorand’s DEX Platforms like: Tinyman, Algofi, Pactfi, HumbleSwap, FXDX and WagmiSwap. Please select the DEX_Name and Starting_Date in the Parameters column to apply all visualisation.

- Table Used:
- All NFT sales volume will be calculated in USD.
- Starting_Date format: YYYY/MM/DD
- Default Starting_Date: 2022-09-01
- To view the Platform's details, please select the name of the relevant platform from the DEX_Name parameters column.
- Head to Head Comparison
- Platform’s Detail
Head to Head Comparison
Algorand DEX’s Swap Transactions
Algorand DEX’s Swappers
Platform’s Detail
Swapper’s Detail
Dashboard created by:
Twitter: @rykcrypt
Discord: Rayyy#4817

Algorand DEX’s Swap Volume
Top Swap To & From Assets