Folks Finance TVL

    Q109. Calculate the TVL on Folks Finance- broken out by deposited and borrowed.


    Folks Finance is a new lending and borrowing protocol built on the Algorand blockchain that went live on April 4th, 2022. Folks Finance Protocol is live on Mainnet Article.

    The deposits and redemptions of assets on Folks Finance will be examined in this dashboard. We want to better understand how wallets deposit and withdraw assets over time, as well as calculate the TVL on Folks Finance.

    • The line graph above shows the total amount of each asset deposited by day.
    • The amount of ALGO and gALGO3 deposited were higher than the other assets on Folks Finance at beginning to middle of April.
    • This is because beginning to middle of April was Algorand's Governance Commitment Period 3. Users committed their ALGOs to the liquid governance pool on Folks Finance and minted gALGO3.
    • The line graph above shows the total amount of each asset redeemed by day.
    • The volume redeemed increased significantly in June when compared to April and May.
    • USDC had the largest single day redeem volume on June 18th, with 1.44 million redeemed from Folks Finance.
    • ALGO came in second on June 21st with 1.32 million USD redeemed.
    • The bar graph above depicts the total amount of deposit for each asset by factoring in when the asset is redeemed.
    • As can be seen, the net deposit volume were higher than net redeem volume on the majority of days prior to June.
    • The redeemed volume in June increase considerably with nearly 3 million USD redeemed from Folks Finance in a single day on June 21st.
    • Next, a total of 1.5 million USD were redeemed from Folks Finance on June 18th.

    (Note that daily variations in the chart above occur because there are days when no deposits or redemptions are completed on some assets. Those assets are still available)

    • The graph shows the total TVL of Folks Finance over time.
    • As can be observed, most of the assets have risen steadily over time.
    • As of June 30th, the TVL on Folks Finance is around 10 million USD.
    • The TVL obtained in this dashboard is close to the TVL amount shown on the Folk Finance webpage), indicating high accuracy.


    1. The volume redeemed on Folks Finance increased significantly in June when compared to April and May.
    2. June 21st was the largest single day in redeemed volume, nearly 3 million USD redeemed from Folks Finance.
    3. As of June 30th, the TVL on Folks Finance is around 10 million USD.