Let’s look into wallet activity with regards to Algorand NFTs

    Q95. How many active wallets are buying/selling/transferring NFTs monthly? What percent of Algo wallets hold an NFT? What’s the number of total wallets that have minted NFTs and put them up for sale, month over month and cumulatively? What projects are the most popular, generating the most transaction volume this month?

    • The graph above shows the percentage of Algo wallets that is holding an NFT.
    • As shown in the graph, 114.05k Algo wallets are holding an NFT, whereas 13.61 million Algo wallets does not own an NFT.
    • The percentage of Algo wallets holding an NFT accounts for only 0.83%, the remaining 99.2% Algo wallets does not own an NFT.


    In this dashboard, we will look into the number of active wallets that are buying or selling NFTs month over month and cumulatively. Next, we will examine the percentage of Algo wallets that are holding an NFT. Finally, the top 10 most popular projects by generating the most ALGO volume in May 2022.

    • The graph above shows the number of wallets that are selling NFTs by month and cumulative.
    • The trend for wallets that have sold NFT is identical to the trend for wallets that have bought NFT.
    • Similarly, the number of wallets that have sold NFT were significantly low from January 2020 to August 2021 and skyrocketed on September 2021.
    • As of June 2nd 2022, there are a total of 551.32k wallets sold NFT on Algorand.
    • The graph above shows the number of wallets that are buying NFTs by month and cumulative.
    • As can be seen, the number of wallets from January 2020 to August 2021 were relatively low, averaging less than 5k wallets each month.
    • However, the number of wallets that bought NFT increased by almost tenfold on September 2021 with more than 31.76k wallets.
    • As of June 2nd 2022, there are a total of 517.82k wallets bought NFT on Algorand.
    • The scatter plot above shows the top 10 most popular projects by generating most ALGO volume in May 2022.
    • In May 2022, M.N.G.O is the top NFT project which sold for a total of 587.21k ALGOs.
    • The top two projects each sold for more than 450k ALGOs in May 2022.
    • The remaining top 10 projects sold for less than 300k ALGOs in May 2022.


    1. The number of wallets bought and sold NFT increased significantly since September 2021.
    2. Only 0.83% of Algo wallets holding an NFT, whereas the remaining 99.2% Algo wallets does not own an NFT.
    3. M.N.G.O is the top NFT project which sold for a total of 4.35 million ALGOs in May 2022.