Solana Free Square

    Q86. This week we want to try something new. We want you to essentially write your own bounty question and answer it yourself. Pick any topic around Solana that you find relevant and interesting and analyze it. Bonus points for creativity and uniqueness!


    The majority of blockchain networks struggle to scale and are unable to manage with high traffic volumes. However, the Solana blockchain appears to be halting more frequently than anticipated due to the issue.

    1. This dashboard will examine the Solana ecosystem's bot swapper in comparison to normal users over the past 3 months.
    2. To begin, we will look at the daily number of swaps executed by bots vs normal users, as well as the number of bots vs normal users per day.
    3. Next, we will examine the total number of swaps exexecuted by bots vs normal and finally the top 5 most swap to assets by bots over the past 3 months.
    • The graphs above shows the daily number of swaps executed by bots vs normal users (Bar Chart), and the percentage of swaps executed by bots vs normal users (Area Chart).
    • As can be seen, the number of swaps executed by bots are significantly higher than normal users on a daily basis.
    • The swaps executed by bots range from 5 million to more than 25 million per day, whereas normal users executed less than 1.5 million swaps on most days.
    • Since March, the number of swaps executed by bots have increased considerably, from below 6 million in March to peaking on May 14th with 28.44 million swaps executed in a single day.
    • The percentage of bots swap, were averaging around 75% to 85% from March to end of April. However, from May, the percentage of bots swap has increased to more than 90% per day.
    • This indicates that the number of swaps executed by bots is growing more quickly than that of normal users, which is concerning.
    • The graphs above shows the daily number of bots vs normal users (Bar Chart), and the percentage of bots vs normal users (Area Chart).
    • Despite the fact that the number of swaps executed by bots were significantly higher than normal users, the number of normal users executing swaps were largely higher than bots.
    • On May 26th, there were a total of 720.06k normal users executed at least a swap. During the same day, there were only 528 bot swapper.
    • Out of all the unique wallets that have executed a swap, the percentage of normal users are more over 99%, and the percentage of bots have less than 1%.
    • The graph above shows the total number of swaps executed by bots vs normal users over the past 3 months.
    • As can be seen, bots have executed a total of 220.39 million swaps over the past 3 months. The percentage of swaps executed by bots account for 91.1%.
    • On the other hand, normal users have only executed 21.61 million swaps or 8.93% or all swaps. Which is more than 10 times lesser than the number of swaps executed by bots.

    Bot swappers definition

    Bot swappers will be identified as distinct wallets with an unusually high quantity of swaps. For this dashboard, a wallet with more over 600 swaps in an hour will be classified as a bot. This also suggests that an average of 10 swaps are executed per minute, which is extremely high.

    • The bar chart above shows the top 5 most swap to assets by bots over the past 3 months.
    • The most swap to assets by bots is Wrapped SOL, with a total of 35.01 million swaps by bots.
    • USDC and USDT came is second and third with 32.04 million swaps for USDC and 29.05 million swaps for USDT.
    • All of the top 5 swap to assets each have more than 15 million swaps over the last 3 months.


    1. Since May, the number of swaps executed by bots has grown rapidly than that of normal users.
    2. More than 99% of all unique wallets that have conducted swaps are normal users, whereas less than 1% are bots.
    3. However, out of the total swaps executed over the past 3 months, 91.1% of the swaps were executed by bots and normal users only executed 8.93% of the swaps.
    4. Wrapped SOL and USDC are the top 2 most swap to assets by bots, each have more than 30 million swaps over the past 3 months.