Flow Trending NFT Projects
In this dashboard, we review the dollar sales volume of flow nfts from May 6 until now and analyze popular collections.
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In this dashboard, I will answer this question from Flipside Crypto:
- Q8. Create a visualization showing NFT sales volume on Flow since May 9th.
- Which NFT projects are trending on Flow right now and what is the general trend of NFT sales over the last month?
- Do the projects that are trending seem to have common wallets or is there not much crossover between buyers/sellers?
Flow, the blockchain for open worlds - Flow is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly blockchain, designed as the foundation for a new generation of games, apps, and the digital assets that power them. It is based on a unique, multi-role architecture, and designed to scale without sharding, allowing for massive improvements in speed and throughput while preserving a developer-friendly, ACID-compliant environment.
Flow empowers developers to build thriving crypto- and crypto-enabled businesses. Applications on Flow can keep consumers in control of their own data; create new kinds of digital assets tradable on open markets accessible from anywhere in the world; and build open economies owned by the users that help make them valuable.
Smart contracts on Flow can be assembled like Lego blocks to power apps serving billions of people, from basketball fans to businesses with mission-critical requirements.
There are four pillars that make Flow unique among existing blockchains:
- Multi-role architecture: Flow’s design is unique, allowing the network to scale to serve billions of users without sharding or reducing decentralization of consensus.
- Resource-oriented programming: smart contracts on Flow are written in Cadence, an easier and - - safer programming language for crypto assets and apps.
- Developer ergonomics: from upgradeable smart contracts and built-in logging support to the Flow Emulator, this network is designed for results.
- Consumer onboarding: Flow was designed for mainstream consumers, with payment onramps catalyzing a safe and low-friction path from fiat to crypto.
- for more information read here
> I used flow.core.fact_nft_sales table for this information.
> I used the case command to separate the counter tokens.
> I also used the SPLIT_PART function to separate contract markets and nft collections.
> FACT_PRICES table was not updated, so I entered flow price manually.
> I put my query in a CTE and multiplied the price table I made by the volume and got the dollar amount.
- The table above shows the volume of nft dollar sales from May 9 to the present.
- On May 26, there is a jump and sales reached $ 2.1 million
- The table above shows the sales volume of each nft collection per day from May 9 until now.
- The jump on May 26 is related to the PACKNFT collection, which sold $ 1.5 million on this day alone.
- Some of the collections they have had on all days of the sales chart are:
RaribleNFT and ....
- The chart above shows 10 of the best-selling nft collections in the last month.
- TopShot Collection is the best-selling and most trendy nft last month to date with sales of $ 14 million.
- The AllDay collection, with sales of $ 3.6 million since May 9, is in second place and is one of the most popular collections.
- PACKNFT is on our list with sales of $ 1.5 million on May 26th
- The chart above shows the sales volume in different markets.
- From the chart above, we can see that the collection that sold $ 1.5 million on May 26 PACKNFT sold in the NFTStorefront market
- The donut chart above shows what percentage of the nft market is involved in what collection last month.
- Topshot Collection has the largest share of about 65%
- After that, AllDay collection with 16%
- Then PACKNFT collection with 7%
- And at the end of UFC_NFT collection 5%
- The rest of the collections have a small percentage under 5%
- To answer this question, I grouped the transactions and defined two famous nft collections, then limited my answers to 1000 and created a chart.
- This chart shows a small number of wallets that bought another collection when they had one nft collection.
- That's why I think they had nothing to do with it
- Sales volume from May 9 to now has been something around $ 500,000 to $ 1 million per day, except May 26, due to the PACKNFT collection.
- TopShot Collection is the best-selling and most trendy nft last month to date with sales of $ 14 million.
- Topshot Collection has the largest share of market about 65%
- After that, AllDay collection with 16% and with sales of $ 3.6 million since May 9