Average Optimism Portfolio (redux)
What is the Question?🚨
What does the average Optimism user's portfolio look like and how has that changed over time?
What % of a user's activity (in OP terms) is staked, unstaked, in liquidity pools/farms, in NFTs? How has this trend changed over time?
Analyzed Topics:
- Users $OP Balance
- Actions by Optimism Network Users
- Top 10 Popular Contracts in Terms of Number of Transactions and Users
What is Optimism?
Optimism is a fast, stable, and scalable L2 blockchain built by Ethereum developers, for Ethereum developers. Built as a minimal extension to existing Ethereum software, Optimism's EVM-equivalent architecture scales your Ethereum apps without surprises. Optimism is a scaling solution for Ethereum that can support all of Ethereum's Dapps. Instead of running all computation and data on the Ethereum network, Optimism puts all transaction data on-chain and runs computation off-chain, increasing Ethereum's transactions per second and decreasing transaction fees.
What is OP Token?
Optimism (OP) is the native token of Optimism, OP has a total supply of 4.294 billion. The OP token gives holders participation rights in The Optimism Collective, a two-tier governance system composed of Token House and Citizens’ House. Citizens’ House will come live later in 2022. Token House, which is already active, governs technical decisions related to Optimism, such as software upgrades. The Citizens’ House governs public-goods funding decisions. In its early days, Optimism itself raised funds on Gitcoin, a major public-goods funding platform.
In this dashboard, We are going to take a look at an average Optimism user’s portfolio. for this purpose, we are going to check interactions with different DApps, programs, contracts and etc.
I extracted the data from Optimism.core database provided by Flipsidecrypto ==“optimism.core.fact_event_logs”==. for extracting the destination labels, we are going to use ==optimism.core.dim_labels== and ==“flipside_prod_db.crosschain.address_labels”== tables.
- In these charts, im showing Optimism users wallets balances in terms of both OP balance and USD Balance in a monthly basis.
- As we see over 45% of users have less than 10$ and 10 $OP in their wallets.
- The highest number of users belongs to June and most of them had between 100$-1000K asset balances in their wallets.
- Over 70% of users have less than 100$ and 100 $OP in their wallets.
- These stats are so close because $OP token’s price was so close to 1$ over time.
- In this section i showed monthly action distribution by optimism users since Optimism launch.
- If we ignore other actions, Optimism users are mostly doing swaps and delegates.
- Users recorded over 2.8M swaps (36.4%) in past 6 months.
- Monthly actions didnt change that much since 5 months ago and users still swapping more than other actions.
- Highest number of actions happened on August.
- Above charts are showing top 10 interacted popular platforms by number of Transactions.
- Prepetual Protocol has recorded the highest number of transactions in on Optimism and most of them were for the first half of the year.
- Monthly number of transactions increased with a smooth trend month by month and recorded the highest number of transactions on Last month, October. In addition, most of Ocotber transactions were for Hop Protocol.
- Above charts are showing top 10 interacted popular platforms by number of users.
- As we see, OP token and Hop protocol were the most popular contract and platform in terms of number of users.
- Uniswap v3 fits in the third place after OP Token and HOP Protocol.
- June and October were hot months for optimism and its users, these months had the highest number of users and as i said, most of them were for OP token contract, Hop protocol and Uniswap V3.
- over 45% of users have less than 10$ and 10 $OP in their wallets.
- The highest number of users belongs to June and most of them had between 100$-1000K asset balances in their wallets.
- Over 70% of users have less than 100$ and 100 $OP in their wallets.
- If we ignore other actions, Optimism users are mostly doing swaps and delegates.
- Users recorded over 2.8M swaps (36.4%) in past 6 months.
- OP token and Hop protocol were the most popular contract and platform in terms of number of users.
- Uniswap v3 fits in the third place after OP Token and HOP Protocol.
- Prepetual Protocol has recorded the highest number of transactions in on Optimism and most of them were for the first half of the year.
- Monthly number of transactions increased with a smooth trend month by month and recorded the highest number of transactions on Last month, October. In addition, most of Ocotber transactions were for Hop Protocol.
- 46% of holders have under 10 $OP in their wallet and 47% have between 10 and 1K $OP. also 0.25% have above 100K $OP
- in June and after the airdrop on May 31st, 52.7% of holders had between 100 and 1K $OP balance but week after week decreased and reached 20% in the last week
- The Wallets $OP balance was decreasing, after the airdrop, 15% had under 10 $OP Token, but reached 37.4% in the last week
- in total, 36% of all transactions, were swapping, and 9.7% were Delegating.
- Most activities of users with their OP token were done on June 2022 (the first month of OP token release).