Polygon Block Performance
What is the average time between blocks on Polygon?
Compare the average number of transactions in per block for Polygon, Flow, Solana, Arbitrum and Optimism
Solana has the highest average number of transactions in per block whit 1.750 transactions.
In Optimism, each transaction is in each block.
The lowest average number of transactions in per block belongs to Optimism and Arbitrum.
What is Block?
A block is a place in a blockchain where information is stored and encrypted. Blocks are identified by long numbers that include encrypted transaction information from previous blocks and new transaction information. Blocks and the information within them must be verified by a network before new blocks can be created.
What Will You Read?
In This Analysis, You Will see:
- Maximum and minimum recorded time between two blocks on polygon.
- Average number of transactions in a block on polygon.
- These numbers Comparison to Flow , Solana, Arbitrum and Optimism.
I used the polygon.core.fact_blocks table and by calculating the block date difference, I got the maximum and minimum block creation time in seconds. I also obtained the average polygon transactions in each block from this table.
To compare the maximum and minimum recorded time between two blocks and the average transactions for Flow, Solana, Arbitrum and Optimism I used
flow.core.fact_blocks, solana.core.fact_blocks, arbitrum.core.fact_blocks and optimism.core.fact_blocks tables, respectively, as I did in Polygon.
Maximum recorded time between two blocks on Polygon is 25 seconds.
Average number of transactions in a block on Polygon is 74.9 transactions.
lowest Maximum recorded time between two blocks for Polygon.
Highest Maximum recorded time between two blocks for Flow.
lowest Minimum recorded time between two blocks for Arbitrum, Flow and Solana.
Highest Minimum recorded time between two blocks for Optimism.
Solana has the highest average number of transactions in per block.
In Optimism, each transaction is in each block.
The lowest average number of transactions in per block belongs to Optimism and Arbitrum.