CowSwap DEX Activity



    Cowswap aims at offering the best trade price. For any trades that are requested by users, CoSwap searches for the best price/options among DEXes and liquidity pools. Above of it, CowSwap also provides possibility of direct batch trading: The decentralized trading that is not necessarily executed through liquidity pools.

    This dashboard investigates CowSwap's performance.


    The box below shows all transactions that have interacted with the CowSwap on Ethereum blockchain so far.

    The graph below shows the daily number of transactions with the CowSwap. We can see a growing trend by January 2022. Then an downward trend till mid February when the trend turned to a slightly growing trend.

    The dat shows that more than 57% of transactions has also interacted with Sushiswap platform. As it was explained above, when there is no the requested token available in the auction or there is no want in the CowSwap itself, then the CowSwap platform uses other platforms like Sushiswap.