Monthly Swap Volume



    ParaSwap is a decentralized exchange aggregator built on Ethereum blockchain. DEX aggregators offers the best prices over multiple DEXs for swaps.

    This dashboard visualizes the daily amount and number of swaps through Paraswap.

    Method and Data

    For the purpose of this dashboard ethereum_core.ez_dex_swaps has been used.

    When a swap is initiated through Paraswap one of the Paraswap wallets will be involved. The following address have been used to grasp swaps through Paraswap:

    The graph below shows how Paraswap v4 transmitted to Paraswap v5.



    The graph below shows the monthly volume of swaps in USD through ParaSwap per DEXes.

    We can see that, the number of swaps has been sharply decreased since November 2021. In terms of volume (USD), Sushiswap is more popular than Uniswap-V2.

    The same trend can be seen in the monthly number of swaps over time.


    Notable finding

    The data shows that following general crypto market the volume and number of swap on Paraswap has been remarkably decreased since Novemebr 2021.