Staking rewards 2.0 impact

    Have staking rewards impacted the amount of $RUNE bonded or in LPs?



    Since the beginning of May Thorchain has released a new staking reward system. The new staking rewards aims at incentivizing users to add liquidity and increasing the engagement of users in THORChain.

    This dashboard evaluates the effectiveness of the new system by looking at bonding and staking actions after the release of staking reward 2.0.


    THOR <-> RUNE swap

    We can see an increase in swapping amount of THOR <-> RUNE in the week after the release of staking rewards 2.0.

    There is no significant change in the direction of swap except the first date.


    Staking $THOR

    The graph below shows staking of THOR over time We can see that users welcomed THOR staking in the first days. However staking decreased after a week.

    RUNE bonded

    Graph belows show THOR.RUNE bonded amount over time. We can see a decrease in bonding RUNE after the launch of staking rewards 2.0.

    THOR LP actions

    The graph below shows that after the launch of staking rewards 2.0 the amount of removing liquidity has been increased.


    We can see that the staking rewards 2.0 has a significant impact.

    The data shows that THORs has removed from LPs and staked through new system. Also bonding RUNE's also has decreased after the launch of new staking rewards.

    Some RUNE also swapped for THOR to be used for staking.