What Are Whales Swapping For?

    This dashboard focuses on whales activities on the Algorand DEXes.


    Whales are important actors on blockchains. Their actions not only directly influence important factors like the price of assets but also influence the decision and actions of many that mimic whales' activations.

    This dashboard focuses on whales activities on the Algorand DEXes.



    To define and identify whales first the distribution of wallets in terms of balance has been analyzed.

    The table below shows the statistics of top 0,02% of wallets in terms of ALGO balance.

    Based on the data, whales are defined wallets holding more than 100K ALGO on current_date.



    Out of 1778 whales only 51 (2,87%) have committed at least one swap since January 1st 2022.

    The graph below shows the distribution of swaps among whales. Only 12 whales have committed more than 20 swaps since the beginning of 2022.

    The graphs below show what assets are whales swapping from. We can see that ALGO is the most popular asset among whales to swap from in 2022.

    Recently gomint also has been swapped by whales considerably.

    The graph below shows what assets whales have swapped into most since January 1st 2022.

    We can see that the dominance of Algo is lower than swap from.

    Notable findings

    • Small number of whales commit swap.

    • Whales use ALGO most to swap for other assets.