SpiltadavidDYDX transfers(amount)
    Updated 2023-01-25
    with cex as (select ADDRESS from ethereum.core.dim_labels
    where LABEL_TYPE = 'cex')
    select BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date date,
    count(case when ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS = ADDRESS then 1 end) from_cex_count,
    count(case when ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS = ADDRESS then 1 end) to_cex_count,
    sum(case when ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS = ADDRESS then AMOUNT end) from_cex_AMOUNT,
    sum(case when ORIGIN_to_ADDRESS = ADDRESS then AMOUNT end) to_cex_AMOUNT,

    sum(case when ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS = ADDRESS then AMOUNT_USD end) from_cex_AMOUNT_usd,
    sum(case when ORIGIN_to_ADDRESS = ADDRESS then AMOUNT_USD end) to_cex_AMOUNT_usd,
    count(*) number_of_transfers
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
    join cex on address = ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS or address = ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS
    where CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x92d6c1e31e14520e676a687f0a93788b716beff5'
    and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date > CURRENT_DATE() - 60
    group by 1
    order by 1
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