NEAR Labels Analysis Dashboard
May 13, 2023 - Identifying Top Gas-Generating Projects and Stickiest Users.
User Behavior
Jun 17, 2022 - Q11. What are users swapping for? What activities are the most common for users on Flow right now? Create a visualization on what’s causing spikes in swapping behavior. (empty line) [comment]: # (This actually is the most platform independent comment)
New Wallets In May
Jun 13, 2022 - Q101. How many wallets have a balance greater than 1 ALGO? And how many of those wallets sent or received a transaction in May? How many new wallets were created in May? What % of total wallets with more than 1 ALGO is this? Additionally, show the distribution of ALGO holdings for these new wallets. What is the average ALGO holding of these new wallets? What other ASAs do these new wallets from May hold? How many of these wallets have performed a swap? Finally, note anything else interesting about these wallets! Why are these wallets being created and what are they doing on Algorand?"
Trending NFT Projects
Jun 11, 2022 - Q8. Create a visualization showing NFT sales volume on Flow since May 9th. Which NFT projects are trending on Flow right now and what is the general trend of NFT sales over the last month? Do the projects that are trending seem to have common wallets or is there not much crossover between buyers/sellers?
Wildlife Warriors NFT Drop
Jun 20, 2022 - Q105. Wildlife Warriors was a project established by Steve Irwin in 2002 as a way to include and involve other caring people to support the protection of injured, threatened or endangered wildlife. They recently had an NFT drop(https://twitter.com/wildwarriors) on Algorand to support the project. Lets look at the wallets that own one of these NFTs: -Look at when the wallets were created(created_at) that own a wildlife warrior. Were wallets created recently for the drop or are they more established wallets? -Look at the ALGO balances of wallets that own a wildlife warrior and show the distribution balances -Look at how many Wildlife Warriors each wallet holds. -Is there a correlation between how many Wildlife Warriors a wallet holds and their ALGO balance?
Highest Sales Volume
Jun 11, 2022 - Q1. Which 3 NFT collections have the most total sales volume in the last 60 days on NFTX? These are transactions where someone redeems their NFTX tokens for a specific NFT.
Crazy Goose Flock and $CRUMB Token
Jun 8, 2022 - Q97. Crazy Goose Flock is one of the strongest growing NFT communities on Algorand. Let’s look at the holders of the CGF! Chart the holder breakdown of the CGF NFTs. How many holders hold more than one CGF NFT? Who holds the most CGF? Show the wallet balance distribution of CGF holders. Are there any whales holding a CGF? Also chart the wallet creation date for crazy goose flock holders. Are the wallets who hold CGF newer or older? The Crazy Goose Flock are also airdropping their community utility token to CGF holders. Show these airdrop transactions. Who are the biggest $CRUMB holders?
USDC Deposits
Jun 22, 2022 - Q1. In the last month, how much USDC did users deposit into PoolTogether (Ethereum)? What’s the average deposit amount per user?
NEAR - 10. The Path to Decentralization
Feb 1, 2023 - NEAR has expressed its goals to decentralize in 2023. Simply put: are these efforts working? Create a stylish, refined dashboard that enables viewers to assess both individual validators on NEAR, and validation as a whole (bonus points if you find a way to enable parameters or dropdowns that display different validators). As ever, you are welcome to draw on past/existing work that explores governance on NEAR, as long as you provide credit to your original sources. Ensure your dashboard can answer the question: is NEAR becoming more decentralized, or less? Note: make sure your dashboard can load within a few seconds! Submissions that take a while to load will not score as highly.
Terra - 9. Governance Grind
Jan 21, 2023 - As Terra 2.0 has expanded, we’ve seen a number of governance proposals come to light. Analyze the voting activity on the most recent 5 proposals. Can you identify any trends or patterns in voting? Bonus: Dig up and compare the text of 2 governance proposals. What do you think of these proposals? What would have made them stronger or likelier to gather more votes? Do you have any improvements to recommend?
Pooly NFTs
Jun 22, 2022 - Q2. How many Pooly NFTs have been minted thus far, and by how many unique wallets? How many Pooly NFTs does the average collector hold?
Algorand Price Correlation
Jun 30, 2022 - Q109. Is the price of Algorand more closely correlated with the crypto market, and assets such as BTC or ETH, or is it more correlated with network usage such as number of transactions or ALGO transfers? How does this compare to other networks such as Solana? Note your findings and anything else that may be interesting in relation to Algorand's price movement!
Trending assets in Osmosis: Skill-building Bounty 14 (Easy)
May 8, 2022 - https://app.flipsidecrypto.com/dashboard/solana-nft-purchasing-behavior-HGgv_y
ERC20 Tokens (zkSync)
Jun 17, 2022 - Q2. ZkSync is a scaling solution for Ethereum that is live on mainnet. Some of the main features of ZkSync are the extremely low transaction fees and trustless protocol design. You can read more about ZkSync here. Users can also deposit ERC20 tokens into ZkSync. Which ERC20 tokens have been deposited the most (in $ volume and total count) in the last 60 days? Visualize and explain both findings.
Celsius Swaps
Jun 20, 2022 - Q95. Find out about the swapping behaviour of Celsius network on both Sushi and Uniswap. Which tokens did they swap the most. From which one of their wallets did they conduct most of the swaps?
Applications on Algorand
Jun 29, 2022 - Q108. How have the number of application calls changed in the first 6 months of 2022 compared to the last 6 months of 2021? Start off by looking at: -Average number of TX calls per block, day -Number of wallets making application calls Then do your own analysis that shows whether there is more or less application usage on Algorand in the first half of 2022 compared to the 2nd half of 2021.
DAI Volume (May 13)
May 15, 2022 - Q1. How does the daily volume of DAI transactions compare to other stablecoins? What is DAI most used for?
Active NEAR Projects
Jul 12, 2023 - In this dashboard, active projects in the Near ecosystem have been analyzed and reviewed. This dashboard allows users to analyze and review active projects in that time frame by selecting the number of days.
Osmosis critical bug, volume analysis
Jun 10, 2022 - What was the total dollar amount of assets that was improperly removed from pools due to the bug, and what is the list of addresses that had joined a pool since the upgrade? What is the dollar value deposited of those addresses joining pools? What is the cumulative value of funds that joined and exited?
NEAR - 8. New Grant Approach
Jan 18, 2023 - The NEAR Foundation recently announced it would examine and update its grant approach and fundraising strategy “in line with the Foundation’s goal of providing a clear and concise update to continue to foster transparent communication.” According to the blog post linked below, the Foundation is currently working to create a more decentralized model of capital allocation. Now, we want your help in designing that ecosystem. Design and create a new strategy for grant and fundraising allocation that will aid the NEAR Foundation in its goal “empower the ecosystem to make decisions that support the strategic approach that will drive NEAR to the next phase of its roadmap.” Your strategy should be backed up by on-chain data, as well as your own opinions on what will create a strong capital allocation strategy for the Foundation.