Algorand -New Wallets from NFTs

    Q99. Let’s look at the month of May and June to understand if the Algorand NFT scene is onboarding new wallets. For this we want to focus on wallets that have >1 ALGO and look at two different groups all wallets >1 ALGO and wallets created in May and June with >1 ALGO. Also note we only want to look at arc69 NFTs.

    Description of work:

    Let’s look at the month of May and June to understand if the Algorand NFT scene is onboarding new wallets. For this we want to focus on wallets that have >1 ALGO and look at two different groups all wallets >1 ALGO and wallets created in May and June with >1 ALGO. Also note we only want to look at arc69 NFTs.

    • What are the total number of wallets that have >1 ALGO? How many of these wallets(what percent) were created in May/June 2022?
    • What percent of each of these wallets groups hold an NFT?
    • What percent of each wallet group(total & May/June) received an NFT in May/June?
    • How many wallets received an NFT in May compared to April?
    • For wallets that were created in May/June and received an NFT- what is the distribution of these wallets balances?
    • For wallets that were created in May/June and received an NFT- what is the distribution of these wallets balances? For wallets that were NOT created in May/June and received an NFT in May/June- what is the distribution of these wallets balances? How do these compare? Do we see these new wallets having more or less ALGO balance.
    • How many of the new wallets in May/June that received an NFT, received more than 1 NFT
    • Do we see NFT adoption spurring the creation new wallets? In other words, are new wallets being created to buy NFTS?

    What are the total number of wallets that have >1 ALGO? How many of these wallets(what percent) were created in May/June 2022?

    To answer this question we use the table algorand.account table.

    • To summarize, wallets that have > 1 ALGO are called g1, and wallets that are created in May and June and have > 1 ALGO are called g2.

    What percent of each wallet group(total & May/June) received an NFT in May/June?


    What percent of each of these wallets groups hold an NFT?


    How many wallets received an NFT in May compared to April?


    Distribution wallets balances that were created in May/June and received an NFT

    For wallets that were NOT created in May/June and received an NFT in May/June- what is the distribution of these wallets balances?


    How many of the new wallets in May/June that received an NFT, received more than 1 NFT
