Flow vs Other L1s

    Description of work

    In this work, we want to compare Flow with Algorand and Ethereum in terms of user retention.

    we define user retention as:

    whether a user who makes a transaction on the network will make another transaction on the network in the following days or weeks or next month?


    • First, we obtain the time of the first transaction for each wallet through the [transactions] table for each blockchain using the following command.(In this command, the Algorand blockchain is selected)



    • Then we join the above result with the transaction table related to blockchain. ( join using wallet addresses)


    • In the above result, in addition to the transaction date and wallet address, the date of the first transaction of each wallet is also calculated. Using this result, we can calculate user retention for different time periods


    • Flow blockchain data is available from April 20, 2022, onwards. Therefore, we will perform calculations for Algorand and Ethereum blockchains from April 20, 2022, onwards, Therefore, the term "first transaction" in this work means the first transaction since April 20, 2022.

    User retention in Flow


    According to the results:

    • As of April 20, 2022, 4.69M wallets performed transactions on Flow.


    • 24.6% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 day of their first transaction. (1154542 wallets)

    • 22.44% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 3 days of their first transaction. (1053049 wallets)

    • 5.92% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 week of their first transaction. (277679 wallets)

    • 4.55% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 2 weeks of their first transaction. (213417 wallets)

    • 2.20% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 3 weeks of their first transaction. (102989 wallets)

    • 1.8% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 month of their first transaction. (84459 wallets)

    User retention in Ethereum


    According to the results:

    • As of April 20, 2022, 12.83M wallets performed transactions on Ethereum. (About 2.73 times more than Flow)


    • 30.88% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 day of their first transaction. (3963748 wallets)

    • 27.29% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 3 days of their first transaction. (3503165 wallets)

    • 24.42% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 week of their first transaction. (3134372 wallets)

    • 21.11% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 2 weeks of their first transaction. (2709094 wallets)

    • 18.85% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 3 weeks of their first transaction. (2419638 wallets)

    • 15.32% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 month of their first transaction. (1965860 wallets)

    User retention in Algorand


    According to the results:

    • As of April 20, 2022, 2.75M wallets performed transactions on Algorand. (About 41.8 percent less than Flow)


    • 16.98% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 day of their first transaction. (467492 wallets)

    • 12.06% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 3 days of their first transaction. (331991 wallets)

    • 8.95% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 week of their first transaction. (246401 wallets)

    • 7.68% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 2 weeks of their first transaction. (211556 wallets)

    • 6.83% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 3 weeks of their first transaction. (188120 wallets)

    • 4.15% of the total number of wallets had performed at least one more transaction after 1 month of their first transaction. (114408wallets)



    • The most significant number of wallets that performed transactions on blockchains since April 20, 2022, is related to Ethereum(12.83M wallets), Flow(4.69M wallets), and Algorand (2.75M wallets) blockchains, respectively.

    • The highest percentage of user retention 1 day after the first transaction is related to Ethereum (30.88%), Flow (24.6%), and Algorand (16.98%), respectively.


    • The highest percentage of user retention 3 days after the first transaction is related to Ethereum (27.29%), Flow (22.44%), and Algorand (12.06%), respectively.


    • The highest percentage of user retention 1 week after the first transaction is related to Ethereum (24.42%), Algorand (8.95%), and Flow (5.92%), respectively.


    • The highest percentage of user retention 2 weeks after the first transaction is related to Ethereum (21.11%), Algorand (7.68%) , and Flow (4.55%), respectively.


    • The highest percentage of user retention 3 weeks after the first transaction is related to Ethereum (18.85%), Algorand (6.83%), and Flow (2.20%), respectively.


    • The highest percentage of user retention 1 month after the first transaction is related to Ethereum (15.32%), Algorand (4.15%), and Flow (1.8%), respectively.


    • The highest percentage of user retention in all time intervals is related to the Ethereum blockchain.


    • Flow is better than Algorand in user retention in small time intervals. ( 1 day after the first transaction and 3 days after the first transaction)


    • Flow performance becomes lower in terms of user retention as time intervals get longer.
