NEAR - 18. Social Dashboard

    Analyzing Near Social protocol from different aspects.


    In this dashboard, we want to analyze the Near Social protocol from different aspects.

    This dashboard includes the following sections:

    a - Introducing Near Social.

    1 - Analyzing the number of users on Near Social.

    2 - Analyzing profile creation and profile changes of users on Near Social.

    3 - Analyzing the number of posts created on Near Social.

    4 - Analyzing the number of comments created on Near Social.

    5 - Analyzing the number of likes and unlikes on Near Social.

    6 - Analyzing follow and unfollow activities on Near Social.

    7 - Analyzing the number of widgets created on Near Social.

    8 - Top users

    9 - Define an impact score for users

    10 - Conclusion

    Description of work

    Tips 💡

    • All queries in this dashboard are set to run every 24 hours.
    • By default, all results and observations are from 2022-02-16 (start date of data on Flipsidecrypto) to 2023-03-08.
    • You can change the timespan of charts and results by using the Timespan parameter located at the top of the page.
    • Only the charts related to Growth and charts in section 2 "Analyzing profile creation and profile changes of users on Near Social." do not change when the Timespan parameter is changed. These charts display all the results from the beginning until now. These charts have the term "All time" in their titles.
      • For example: if you change the timespan parameter to 90, results related to the last 90 days are shown in the charts (except Growth charts).

    • Because the number of sections in this dashboard is high (9 sections) and the tabs feature is used in this dashboard to display different sections, when you read the dashboard, sections 7 and later may not be displayed. You can view these sections by zoom out feature of your browser.