Quasar Finance Launch Analysis

    Quavar Finance launched on March 23, 2023 in the Cosmos ecosystem with their first product being a DeFi vault called Osmo Pro. In this analysis we try to understand the asset flows from Osmosis to Quavar from different perspectives.

    The ever-evolving Cosmos ecosystem requires adequate capital management across the ecosystem. Quasar Finance (Quasar) focuses on developing this infrastructure with its Decentralised Asset Management (DAM) app-chain.


    DAM (Decentralised Asset Management) is the use of transparent and permissionless DeFi and blockchain tools for asset management. This is not limited to fungible assets but also non-fungible assets such as digital certificates and authentication codes.


    Quasar provides a governance platform for DAMs aka Vaults which contain underlying assets. As of writing the only Vault available is the Osmo Pro vault which is focused on liquidity provision to the biggest liquidity pools in the Osmosis ecosystem. So Quasar provides a platform for the aggregation and channeling of liquidity from where it is less needed to where it is more needed aka DeFi-Osmosis [hope you get it ;)]

    For Further Information Quasar:
