17. [Hard] Compare Native Swaps to Terra Swaps

    The first table showed the top 10 pools each 5 pools from native swap and others 5 from terraswap (capital letter = native swap, smaller letter = terraswap). Next we only extract the volume for the past 7 days and plot out the ratio of both swap. The ratio of volume swap by terraswap vs native swap sit at 99% and above. Next chart showing which pool has the most volume swapped. Top 3 pool is by terraswap which is (ukrw-uusd, ukrw-uluna, uluna-umnt) Finally we see the unique trade on each pool Top 2 pool which had the most number of unique trade is uluna-uusd and UST to LUNA. Here we could see the adoption of luna by small retailers which only comprised a small volume on the pools. However, the pairs ukrw- uusd had only 1000 unique traders and had the highest volume. This is a sign of WHALE in trading the currency here.