Welcome to the City



    1. In this dashboard, we will first look at the first activity users performed on NEAR city after bridging to the city.
    2. Then, we will look at the first protocols users first interact with after bridging to NEAR city.
    1. The visualisations above show the first activity users performed on NEAR city after bridging to the city.
    2. Action most performed by wallets after bridging to NEAR is near_deposit. There are 45.282k unique first transactions involving near_deposit performed by new users after bridging to NEAR.
    3. This is followed by storage_deposit and ft_transfer_call, with 27.981k and 23.368k transactions respectively.
    1. The visualisations above show the first protocols users first interact with after bridging to NEAR city.
    2. The protocol most interacted with by wallets after bridging to NEAR is v2.ref_farming.near. There are 4.581k unique first transactions involving v2.ref_farming.near interacted with by new users after bridging to NEAR.
    3. This is followed by skyward.near and marketplace.paras.near, with 607 and 598 transactions respectively.


    1. Near_deposit is the most common action performed by wallets after bridging to NEAR. After bridging to NEAR, new users perform 45.282k unique first transactions involving near_deposit.
    2. v2.ref farming.near is the protocol that wallets interact with the most after bridging to NEAR. After bridging to NEAR, new users interacted with v2.ref farming.near in 4.581k unique first transactions.