AAVE Movements on the Aave Protocol

    Starting date and time period is selected by the user


    • In this dashboard, users have the ability to select the starting date and time frame for the observed metrics using the date filter. The available time frame options include day, week, month, or year.

    • The dashboard focuses on the analysis of stake and withdraw transactions. The observed metrics include:

      • TXS (Total Transactions): This metric represents the total number of stake and withdraw transactions.

      • USERS: This metric indicates the total number of unique users involved in stake and withdraw transactions.

      • VOLUME_USD (Total USD Volume): This metric represents the cumulative value of USD volume associated with stake and withdraw transactions.

      • AVG_VOLUME_USD_TX (Average USD Volume per Transaction): This metric calculates the average USD volume per stake or withdraw transaction.

      • MEDIAN_VOLUME_USD (Median USD Volume): This metric represents the median value of USD volume for stake and withdraw transactions.

      • MAX_VOLUME_USD (Maximum USD Volume): This metric shows the maximum value of USD volume observed for stake and withdraw transactions.

      • AVG_VOLUME_US_DEPOSITOR (Average USD Volume per Depositor): This metric calculates the average USD volume per depositor involved in stake and withdraw transactions.

    • The dashboard includes charts that display the trends of these metrics over time, allowing users to analyze and compare the performance of stake and withdraw transactions.
