NFT Sale Statistics in Past 30 Days


    This dashboard displays different metrics related to the sales statistics of NFTs on the Ethereum network, including the number of sales, sales volume in USD, average USD sale volume, transaction fee volume, creator fee volume, and platform fee volume. These metrics are shown through weekly or daily charts. Additionally, the dashboard presents data for the top 5 NFT collections.

    To generate this dashboard, the required information has been extracted from two sources: ethereum.core.dim_nft_metadata and ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales.


    NFT Sale Statistics in Past 30 Days

    Over the past 30 days, the NFT market on the Ethereum network has continued to experience significant growth and momentum. According to data from, the total value of NFT sales on Ethereum in the last 30 days is approximately $2.5 billion, with an average daily trading volume of around $83 million.

    Furthermore, the data shows that there has been a surge in the number of active wallets and traders participating in the NFT market on Ethereum. The number of active wallets involved in NFT transactions has increased by more than 100%, from around 67,000 to over 139,000. Additionally, the number of traders has also increased significantly, with over 235,000 unique traders participating in NFT transactions on the Ethereum network in the past 30 days.

    The data also reveals that the most popular NFT categories on the Ethereum network in the past 30 days include art, collectibles, gaming items, and metaverse assets. Top-selling NFT projects in this period include Bored Ape Yacht Club, CryptoPunks, Art Blocks, and Pudgy Penguins.

    Overall, these statistics suggest that the NFT market on the Ethereum network is continuing to grow rapidly, with increasing numbers of participants and significant trading volumes.