Seasons in the City( cosmicman92 )



    After extracting all NFT markets related data from near.core.ez_nft_mints, I tried to show metrics like transactions done on these NFT markets, users who transacted on these NFT markets and transaction fees paid on these markets to see how has been this aspect of NEAR protocol performed on three time frames of daily, weekly and monthly to see if its performance is improving or not.

    Daily Charts: Transactions-Users-Transactions Fee

    Weekly Charts: Transactions-Users-Transactions Fee

    Monthly Charts: Transactions-Users-Transactions Fee

    In this part of the dashboard in which we observe daily amounts of three metrics, and as we see both transactions and transaction fees has similar trends which both mega trend is decreasing except three occasions that their chart spiked very high, they happened on early September and late September and early October on both charts, Number of transactions reached its highest on September 24 with 18.6K transactions and transactions fee reached its highest on September 25 with 21 $NEAR.

    User chart also has a decreasing trend but with more slope with only 1 major spike that happened on September 14 with 852 users.

    In this part of the dashboard in which we observe weekly amounts of three metrics, and as we see both transactions and transaction fees has similar trends which both mega trend is decreasing except three occasions that their chart spiked very high, they happened on last week of August and third week of September and first week of October on both charts, Number of transactions reached its highest on third week of September with 70K transactions and transactions fee reached its highest also on third week of September with 93 $NEAR.

    User chart also has a decreasing trend but with more slope with only 1 major spike that happened on second week of September with 2,290 users.

    In this part of the dashboard in which we observe monthly amounts of three metrics which gives us over all look of how they performed on July, August, September and October, and as we see both transactions and transaction fees has similar charts which order of both charts is same in which highest portion of both belongs to September(42.1% - 43.6%) then August(28.4% - 28.2%) then October(16.9% - 16.3%) and July(12.6% - 11.9%).

    Number of transactions chart reached its highest amount on September with 181K transactions and Fee of transactions also reached its highest amount on September with 263 $NEAR.

    User chart almost has a similar chart to other two with one difference that least portion of users occurred on October unlike other two, rest of them is same which is September(32.6%) then August(32.4%) then July(19.6%) and October(15.4%), its highest users which reached on September was 5,219 users.


    Daily and weekly charts indicates that three metrics has been decreasing day by day except on three occasions as shown and discussed but on monthly chart which gives us better and over all view of performance of these three metrics of NFT markets on NEAR we see that their amounts has been increasing from July to September and only decreased on October so we can say that according to these metrics NFT markets still having good performance compared to that we witness winter in crypto.
