Token Transfers on Osmosis Chain


    ==In this chart total transfers by each token users, and their total senders or receivers between Osmosis chain and other chains is shown.==

    Among 78 tokens, ATOM users has most transfers in which Receivers has more share of these transfers with 478,390. and also ATOM usesr has most Senders with 471,281.

    OSMO users has most Receivers with 501,566.

    Total 13,564,822 transfers has done by these token users in which 2,185,247 of them are senders and 2,554,395 of them are receivers.

    ==In this chart monthly transfers by each token users, and their monthly senders or receivers between Osmosis chain and other chains since June 2021 is shown.==

    As we see all three metrics are on upward trend until they max out on March 2022 and they have downward trend since that month.

    Transaction count maxed out with 2.4M transactions, Sender count maxed out with 590K senders and Receiver count maxed out with 660K receivers.

    ==In this chart total USD volume of transfers by each token users between Osmosis chain and other chains is shown.==

    Among 78 tokens, LUNC users has most USD volume of transfers with $614,577,9070 the reason of this is that at early days of price table for LUNC it’s old version of price has been recorded.

    Total $16,904,095,835 volume of transfers has done by these token users.


    The way to calculate the dollar price of each token is that we first obtained the average price of each token from the osmosis.core.ez_prices table and then multiplied the transfer volume of that token.

    ==In this chart monthly transferred USD volume by each token users between Osmosis chain and other chains is shown.==

    As we see it has mostly fluctuated trend if we exclude the spike which occurred on May 2022 with $10.65M transferred volume by all token users.

    Most transferred volume for a token on a single month is recorded for LUNC on May 2022 with $3980313557 transferred volume.

    Majority of these tokens has steady or fluctuated trends and some tokens like CRE, MNTL and EVMOS showing increasing trend towards 2023 and some tokens like SEJUNO, ASTV, DAI, HASH, CRBRUS, HOPE and MARBLE are showing decreasing trend towards 2023.

    • Top 10 Tokens based on Transfer count

      • This chart shows us top 10 tokens which has most number of transfers executed by their users in which 16,085,921 transfers has done by their users, and OSMO users has most share of them with 35.7% which is 5,735,855 transfers.
    • Top 10 Tokens based on Transfer volume

      • This chart shows us top 10 tokens which has most USD volume of transfers executed by their users in which $9,756,308,397 has done by their users, and ATOM users has most share of them with 51.4% which is **$**5,015,555,485 transfer volume.
    • Top 10 Tokens based on Sender count

      • This chart shows us top 10 tokens which has most number of senders in which 1,650,732 senders has transferred them, and ATOM users has most share of them with 28.6% which is 471,450 senders. \n
    • Top 10 Tokens based on Receiver count

      • This chart shows us top 10 tokens which has most number of receivers in which 1,876,063 receivers has transferred them, and OSMO users has most share of them with 27.4% which is 514,472 receivers. also ATOM users has almost same share of receivers with 25.5%.
    • Donut chart above shows top 10 OSMO users whit most transferred USD volume in which $538,640,571.8 has been transferred by them and ==osmo1krmqr8zhvteevq4hnl7q0pxtff6xpnqz4ckxcu== has most share of them with 41.1%.
    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 OSMO users in which their total trend is bullish which maxed out on December 2022 with $220M, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by osmo1krmqr8zhvteevq4hnl7q0pxtff6xpnqz4ckxcu with 95,169,317 on December 2022.
    • osmo1vs2xckvcrh8tf7mxhxwxlwrg8fynq95tegez6m and osmo1q272app7f5j5zgpjcewdajljurgansg6wqj7ke has bullish trend towards 2023.
    • osmo1s2nwtaqn5e3hmaaymg4c3amxu0fr4789sfr967 and osmo1ych3kkm5cw57w5kml5vvrmzueezvyrlpcfsrhc maxed out earlier on 2022.
    • Donut chart above shows top 10 ATOM users whit most transferred USD volume in which $1,409,809,323 has been transferred by them and ==osmo1tqctx98qz2aa25j5knzuztxaerl3z0ld8q6c72== has most share of them with 20.6%.
    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 ATOM users in which their total trend is bullish until it maxed out on January 2022 with $244M and then decreased towards 2023, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by osmo1tqctx98qz2aa25j5knzuztxaerl3z0ld8q6c72 with 80,105,979 on March 2022.
    • cosmos13y4wr2skln0frfe03a7wh80875amsetan8q6wh and osmo1f2sgwns3nkqfvq2fafpfvkmr97p2wsrfr6thnp maxed out later on May 2022
    • Donut chart above shows top 10 USDC users whit most transferred USD volume in which $172,025,605.6 has been transferred by them and ==axelar19xj4ncc6h6y5ahpfqtspdx75y3dkrxj3zpah9k== has most share of them with 63.7%.
    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 USDC users in which their total trend is bullish and it maxed out on October 2022 with $28M and then decreased towards 2023, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by axelar19xj4ncc6h6y5ahpfqtspdx75y3dkrxj3zpah9k with 19,125,258 on May 2022.
    • Donut chart above shows top 10 USTC users whit most transferred USD volume in which $627,880,433.8 has been transferred by them and ==osmo13ues4s9k53a35qqu2k2hqk5fqjyzuqx76trg78== has most share of them with 25.1%.
    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 USTC users in which their total trend is bullish until it maxed out on March 2022 with $132M and then decreased towards 2023, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by osmo1c9ju68n5kgncheyau9xctyf7p3prm9z0wf3r0g with 41,880,086 on January 2022.
    • Majority of them are bearish towards end of 2022 and some of them like osmo16uu5kxmdpnq4e43u9tsyg22l5v7wlnn462ejf4 maxed out on 2021.
    • Donut chart above shows top 10 JUNO users whit most transferred USD volume in which $77,204,857.29 has been transferred by them and ==osmo1yz54ncxj9csp7un3xled03q6thrrhy9cztkfzs== has most share of them with 23.4%.
    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 USTC users in which their total trend is bullish and it maxed out on December 2022 with $10M and then decreased towards 2023, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by osmo10ltfhkama9sqedn88pw4pap8h409lftujzy9mw with 3,273,481 on December 2022.
    • Some users like osmo1g42h5gye4ngx2enl9cmamrdupqhj4yap2l4yrt maxed out earlier on February 2022
    • Donut chart above shows top 10 GRAV users whit most transferred USD volume in which $174,873,824.3 has been transferred by them and ==gravity1zu4ya0ljmkgzm4urvqnt9za8fjlsql9vrsvwgt== has most share of them with 39.9%.

    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 GRAV users in which their total trend is bullish and it maxed out on January 2023 with $41M, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by gravity1zu4ya0ljmkgzm4urvqnt9za8fjlsql9vrsvwgt with 23,417,872 on January 2023.

    • Some users like gravity1gatch6e6d2jtnkp2eam7sexpeumkrxn9agap2e and osmo1geswdpueec8llsm5l9nmq52er47yc2fxg4z7hk are bearish towards 2023

    • Donut chart above shows top 10 AKT users whit most transferred USD volume in which $90,330,387.74 has been transferred by them and ==osmo1tqctx98qz2aa25j5knzuztxaerl3z0ld8q6c72== has most share of them with 20.4%.

    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 AKT users in which their total trend is bullish until it maxed out on May 2022 with $13M and then decreased towards 2023, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by osmo1tqctx98qz2aa25j5knzuztxaerl3z0ld8q6c72 with 4,632,289 on May 2022.

    • Donut chart above shows top 10 XPRT users whit most transferred USD volume in which $98935507.32 has been transferred by them and ==osmo1tqctx98qz2aa25j5knzuztxaerl3z0ld8q6c72== has most share of them with 25.1%.

    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 XPRT users in which their total trend is bullish until it maxed out on May 2022 with $14M and then decreased towards 2023, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by persistence1lz2s6699duw4hdfgpvgteknx42hphj8ycrlah9 with 4,699,683 on May 2022.

    • Donut chart above shows top 10 NETA users whit most transferred USD volume in which $6,391,264.763 has been transferred by them and ==juno1jecj929qfymtggz20v7eh5nv9n7fgw4nyguppv== has most share of them with 21.4%.

    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 NETA users in which their total trend is bullish until it maxed out on May 2022 with $1.27M and then decreased towards 2023, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by osmo1yz54ncxj9csp7un3xled03q6thrrhy9cztkfzs with 421,546 on May 2022.

    • Donut chart above shows top 10 SCRT users whit most transferred USD volume in which $65,255,603.3 has been transferred by them and ==osmo1tqctx98qz2aa25j5knzuztxaerl3z0ld8q6c72== has most share of them with 32.6%.

    • Area chart above shows monthly transferred USD volume by top 10 SCRT users in which their total trend is fluctuated and it maxed out on May 2022 with $9.4M and then decreased towards 2023, and most transferred USD volume in a single month is recorded by osmo1tqctx98qz2aa25j5knzuztxaerl3z0ld8q6c72 with 4,178,920 on November 2022.


    In this dashboard, all the tokens that are sent to the Osmosis chain or transferred from the Osmosis chain to other chains are checked.

    To do this, first calculated the count of all the transfers, then I specified the dollar value of all transfers as well as the number of Senders and Receivers.

    Then I determined the top ten transferred tokens based on 4 parameters, ==the number of transfers==, ==the dollar amount of the transfer==, and ==the number of senders and receivers==, and finally, I determined the top ten transferors of the 10 tokens based on the dollar value of the transfers and also checked their monthly chart.


    • Averagely ~$1,250 has been transferred by each transfer.
    • ATOM, OSMO, EVMOS and JUNO are top transferred tokens which also have most number of senders and receivers.
    • In all months except June, July and October number of Receivers has been higher than number of Senders.
    • LUNC has most USD volume of transfers which is due to error explained in the dashboard and ATOM, OSMO and JUNO are next tokens with most USD volume transferred.
    • Transfer, Sender and Receiver counts maxed out on March but their volume maxed out on May 2022 same time with $UST depeg market crash.
    • OSMO, ATOM, JUNO, EVMOS, SCRT and USTC are in all top 10 charts based on 4 determined parameters.
    • All top 10 tokens transferred USD volume maxed out on 2022 and decreased towards 2023 except GRAV which it’s transferred USD volume maxed out in 2023.