Let's meet the Ethereum overview of Top 50 Nfts General Statistics and Rarible NFT Marketplace.

    Ethereum NFTs

    Ethereum is one of the best blockchains when it comes to buying, selling and printing NFTs. Ethereum is the best blockchain for NFTs because of its popularity, security, and smart contract capabilities. Also, the proof-of-stake upgrade will soon make it one of the cheapest and fastest networks.

    Ethereum NFT Costs

    The cost of creating an NFT on Ethereum ranges from $50 to $150, while the mint price of Solana ranges from $0.04 to $0.12. The average cost of purchasing an NFT on Ethereum is $1,400.


    ✔️ I used ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales tables from the database.

    ✔️ I used Rarible NFT Stats from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales where PLATFORM_NAME='rarible'.

    ✔️ We examine the values we obtained and compare the Ethereum.

    Note: All programs are written for the last 30 days and the top 50 NFTs are considered our criteria.

    What's an NFT?

    NFTs are tokens that we can use to represent ownership of unique items. They let us tokenize things like art, collectibles and even real estate. Ownership of an asset is secured by the Ethereum blockchain – no one can modify the record of ownership or copy/paste a new NFT into existence.

    NFT stands for non-fungible token. Non-fungible is an economic term that you could use to describe things like your furniture, a song file, or your computer. These things are not interchangeable for other items because they have unique properties.

    Fungible items, on the other hand, can be exchanged because their value defines them rather than their unique properties. For example, ETH or dollars are fungible because 1 ETH / $1 USD is exchangeable for another 1 ETH / $1 USD.



    They will be in this dashboard:

    • Top 50 Nfts General Statistics

    • Daily, weekly and monthly volume

    • Distribution of sale on days of week

    • New unique buyers on Rarible

    • Top NFT collections by sale and Royalty fee volume




    ✔ The reason why it costs much more to create an NFT on Ethereum is because of the gas fees. These are fees that are paid to miners for verifying and approving transactions on the blockchain.

    ✔ Depending on how congested the network is at the time of creating an Ethereum NFT, you should expect to pay anywhere from $10 to over $150 to mint one NFT. This does not include marketplace fees which can range anywhere from 2.5% to 5% of the transaction price.

    ✔ Furthermore, since Ethereum is the preferred NFT blockchain, it is known to host the most premium NFTs. For this reason, the largest NFT sales continue to occur on this blockchain.

    ✔ Although the cost to mint and purchase NFTs on Ethereum is pricey right now, once the network upgrade is complete, the price to transact on the platform should lower significantly and as a result, should reduce the overall cost of NFTs on the network.



    ✔ It shows the top 50 NFTs in terms of price in the last month, which clearly shows that in Ethereum NFTs, the class distance of Ethereum in price is very large, which means that every class of people can own a become NFT.

    Ethereum: User Adoption

    The success of a blockchain depends on how many people use the network.

    Currently, Ethereum is the most preferred NFT blockchain with over 2 million users and total NFT transaction volume exceeding $28 billion.

    User adoption loading

    Average NFT Purchase Price on Ethereum

    The average cost to buy an NFT on Ethereum ranges from $1,400 to over $4,600. This is mainly due to the popularity of the network and overspeculating brands on the network. That’s not to say that all NFTs on Ethereum are expensive. Some NFTs on Ethereum are free, with the exception of gas fees.

    As the market continues to progress and becomes more mainstream, we will see NFTs become more affordable for all kinds of consumers. Also, the price of ETH affects the overall cost of NFTs on the blockchain so it’s hard to say exactly how much NFTs will cost in the future.

    Eventually, I expect there to be a range of NFTs priced as low as one dollar to millions of dollars depending on what you receive with your purchase of the NFT.

    For example, an NFT that acts as nothing more than a digital decorative piece created by an unknown artist might only cost you a few dollars. But once Lamborghini begins selling its exotic cars using NFT technology, obviously they will cost hundreds of thousands of dollar

    🥇 Conclusion

    What is Rarible?

    Rarible runs a business template similar to that of OpenSea’s where users are offered a seamless and peer-to-peer gateway into the NFT market. In essence, it offers easy-to-use minting and trading features designed solely for NFTs. Like OpenSea, Rarible boasts a dynamic ecosystem that houses a variety of digital items, including artworks, collectibles, in-game assets and much more.

    All the transactions and trades executed on the platform are settled immediately on the blockchain. Ultimately, the incorporation of blockchain-powered trading infrastructure eliminates the need for intermediaries.

    Rarible places more importance on decentralization. Unlike OpenSea, the platform's economy and governance are anchored by a native token called RARI. Holders of RARI can automatically vote on policy changes and other critical decisions. Initially, RARI was distributed weekly to active users. However, this was discontinued in January 2022 after the community unanimously voted to allocate the remaining RARI tokens to projects building on the Rarible protocol.

    Rarible had fewer than 10,000 unique users in February 2022, according to data from DappRadar.


    NFT niche

    You will come to discover that certain NFTs place more importance on specific types of NFTs. While this is true, a majority have opted for a more inclusive ecosystem where users can trade and access a wide variety of NFT niches, including digital art, collectibles, in-game assets, fashion, sport NFTs and so on. Read more: 5 Ways to Earn Passive Income From NFTs Rarible are prime examples of solutions that support a wide range of NFT niches. On both platforms, you will find NFTs that fall into the following categories:

    ✔ Memes

    ✔ Trading cards

    ✔ Virtual lands

    ✔ In-game assets

    ✔ Crypto art

    ✔ Collectibles

    ✔ Domain names

    Payment options

    Since Rarible supports a fairly unique selection of blockchains, it's not surprising that they use a payment system that isn't very similar. When it comes to OpenSea, there are up to 150 supported payment options, including ETH, WETH, MATIC, and KLAY. In contrast, Rarible only allows its users to purchase NFT with FLOW, XTZ, and ETH. In addition, Rarible has started accepting credit card payments to attract mainstream users.



    ✔ Over 87% of sales on Rarible marketplace have been executed by bid_won approach.

    ✔The total volume of Royalty and Platform fees are close together.

    ✔March 2022 was the most active month for NFT sales on Rarible. The third week of March 2022 is the leading week and the highest sale occurred on September 29, 2021.

    ✔About 31% of the sale volume happened on Week ends and the highest sale volume occurred on Wednesdays.

    ✔The volume and count of users on Rarible marketplace has decreased in 2022, accordingly.

    ✔On October 30, 2021 the highest value of average sale volume happened with 10.55k USD.



    ✔ The Rarible NFTs is the highest-sold NFT collection on Rarible with over 140 million USD volume.

    ✔ Also, the Rarible NFTs dominated this marketplace in terms of sales and unique purchasers count.

    ✔ Over 4.715 million USD has been paid as a Royalty fee on Rarible marketplace.

    ✔ The highest average sale volume is for the #Boi NFT collection.

    ✔ In the January 2022 the Crypto Stars has the highest sale volume as can be seen in the sale volume.

    ✔ About 45% of wrapped Cryptopunks purchasers have bought the NFTs on this collection more than 1 times.



    Rarible Monthly Statistics

    ✔ Monthly Volume of Rarible : decreased from 13M on January to 106K on September on bearish trend.

    ✔ Monthly Number of transactions of Rarible : decreased from 6.6K on January to 259 on September on bearish trend.

    ✔ Monthly Unique buyers count of Rarible : decreased from 4.7K on January to 185 on September on bearish trend.

    ✔ Monthly Unique sellers count of Rarible : decreased from 2.5K on January to 130 on September on bearish trend.

    ✔ Monthly Unique NFTs of Rarible : decreased from 603 on January to 84 on September on bearish trend.



    ✔ I have tried to provide an overview of the platform of NFT markets on the Ethereum network by observing aggregate statistics to know how platforms compare to each other and monthly statistics to know how platforms will be in the near future.

    ✔ Rarible can perform better than other platforms if it goes like this.

    Pros of Rarible:

    🟢Rarible is a multi-chain platform.

    🟢It has a built-in decentralized management system.

    🟢The features and tools available on the platform are easy to use.

    🟢It offers much more flexibility when it comes to royalties, as creators can set a royalty fee of up to 50%.

    Cons of Rarible:

    🔴It is difficult to completely eliminate fraud due to the absence of restrictions

    🔴Rarible has no mobile app.
