DeltaPrime - Alpha Board

    An analysis of DeltaPrime, a decentralized, undercollateralized borrowing platform on the Avalanche Blockchain

    What is DeltaPrime?

    DeltaPrime - A Trustless, Undercollateralized Borrowing Platform

    DeltaPrime aims to tap onto the HUGE potential of liquidity trapped in lending protocols to increase capital efficiency.
    DeltaPrime allows users to deposit & borrow funds to leverage up their DeFi strategies, especially with the 20% min collateral ratio!

    Borrow & Invest

    • Extra Capital to increase returns (especially for delta neutral strats!)
    • Invest in trusted DeFi protocols on Avalanche (Vector Finance, YieldYak, TraderJOE)


    • Deposits are loaned to other users to be invested in top DeFi protocols on Avalanche
    • Protection from Liquidation bots
    • Fully decentralized liquidity pools for depositors & borrowers
    • One of the highest yields available in liquidation-protected protocols

    What's Covered here?

    • Overview of how both Depositor pools & Prime Accounts have been faring since launch
      -> GLP has contributed significantly to the growth of DeltaPrime as a protocol, both by increasing the demand and supply.
    • What have Prime users been doing?
      -> Most Frequent Event are Swap > Borrowed > Staked while Most Popular Event are Borrowed > Funded > Swap.
    • Historical Borrow & Deposit rates for lending pools
    • Swaps (Collateral & Debt Swaps!)
    • Liquidations Liquidations Liquidations