cristinatintoFB 1 BNB: BUSD transfers 5 copy
    Updated 2023-06-12

    date_trunc('month',block_timestamp) as weeks,
    --case when block_timestamp<'2022-10-10' then 'Previous to staking' else 'After staking' end as period,
    count(DISTINCT tx_hash) as swaps,
    sum(case when symbol_in='GMM' then AMOUNT_IN/pow(10,18) else AMOUNT_OUT/pow(10,18) end) as volume
    FROM bsc.core.ez_dex_swaps
    WHERE (symbol_in='GMM' or symbol_out='GMM') and AMOUNT_IN is not null and block_timestamp>='2023-01-01'
    GROUP BY 1,2 order by 1 asc

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