cristinatintoaptos 2 vs others
    Updated 2024-10-15
    with t1 as (
    date_trunc('{{periodicity}}',block_timestamp) as time,
    count(distinct x.tx_hash) as transfers,
    count(distinct x.ACCOUNT_ADDRESS) as active_transferers
    from aptos.core.fact_transfers x
    where time>=current_date-interval '{{n_days}} days' and time<current_date
    group by 1
    t2 as (
    date_trunc('{{periodicity}}',block_timestamp) as time,
    count(distinct x.tx_hash) as actions,
    count(distinct x.from_address) as active_users
    from avalanche.core.fact_token_transfers x
    where time>=current_date-interval '{{n_days}} days' and time<current_date
    group by 1
    t4 as (
    date_trunc('{{periodicity}}',block_timestamp) as time,
    count(distinct x.tx_id) as actions,
    count(distinct x.sender) as active_users
    from cosmos.core.fact_transfers x
    where time>=current_date-interval '{{n_days}} days' and time<current_date
    group by 1
    t5 as (
    date_trunc('{{periodicity}}',block_timestamp) as time,
    count(distinct x.tx_hash) as actions,
    count(distinct x.from_address) as active_users
    from near.core.ez_token_transfers x
    where time>=current_date-interval '{{n_days}} days' and time<current_date
    group by 1
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived