Magic Eden - Lucky Buy

    Quick insights

    The data on the right is meant to provide a first glance on the popularity of the new Magic Eden feature.

    • Nr unique participating wallets
    • Total spent
    • Average spent
    • Total attempts
    • Average attempts
    User Spendings

    The barchart on the right displays the discrepancy between the biggest and smallers players.

    There are 3 big players:

    1. 4KLoR... - 2,541 SOL Spent - 2,198 Attempts
    2. Di1sm... - 2,213 SOL Spent - 2,539 Attempts
    3. FYMaw... - 1,198 SOL Spent - 1,846 Attempts

    Which, together, drastically increase the average numbers.

    User Winnings

    In total 3,228 NFTs were won.

    Our whales did as follows:

    • 4KLoR... Won 70 the heist, 4 reavers and 3 assetdash_vanta NFTs
    • Di1sm... Won 115 reavers, 3 the heist , 1 smb gen3 and 1 bodoggoNFTs
    • FYMaw... Won 142 reavers NFTs

    What do you think? Was it worth the gamble they took?

    Collection Winners
    Lucky Buy Refunds

    The MagicEden help page mentions 3 situations in which people who 'won' an NFT will instead get a refund.

    • If the item was already sold before the Lucky Buy transaction completed.
    • If the item price increased before the Lucky Buy transaction completed.
    • If Magic Eden runs out of money in its treasury. (Note: This is unlikely to be the case).

    The events for which I suspect this was the case, have been listed in the table on the right.


    In total 3,228 NFTs were won by all users together.

    Reavers had the highest # of winners with 914 NFTs that were purchased through 'Lucky Buy'.

    The Heist is following at second place with 650 NFTs.

    Meegos are taking the third place with 387 winners.