elsinaDistribution of Osmo in 2022
    Updated 2022-10-27

    date as "Day",
    count(address) as "Count",
    when BALANCE/1e6 < 1 then ' <1'
    when BALANCE/1e6 < 10 then '1>= , <10'
    when BALANCE/1e6 < 100 then '10>= , <100'
    when BALANCE/1e6 < 1000 then '100>= , <1K'
    when BALANCE/1e6 < 10000 then '1K>= , <10K'
    when BALANCE/1e6 < 100000 then '10K>= , <100K'
    when BALANCE/1e6 >= 100000 then '100>=' end as "Amount"
    from osmosis.core.fact_daily_balances
    where currency = 'uosmo' and DATE >= '2022-01-01' and BALANCE_TYPE = 'liquid'
    group by "Day","Amount"
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