encryptedCost per voting transactions?
    Updated 2022-06-18
    --select * from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs where block_number = 14887882 and tx_hash = '0x783d64b2146de10f7545e1053a6fa58d2846ee78fb5dc30ed635182ac5313e9b'

    allvote as (select block_timestamp, event_inputs:voter as voter, tx_hash from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs where contract_address ='0x5d2c31ce16924c2a71d317e5bbfd5ce387854039' and event_name='VoteCast' and tx_status='SUCCESS' order by 1 asc ),
    --transaction details
    txd as (select tx_hash, gas_price/pow(10,9) as gasprice, gas_used, gasprice*gas_used as gas_paid, tx_fee, gas_paid+tx_fee as total from ethereum.core.fact_transactions where tx_hash in (select tx_hash from allvote) )

    LPAD(min(total),8,0) as "Min cost per vote transaction" ,
    LPAD(max(total),8,0) as "Max cost per vote transaction" ,
    LPAD(avg(total),8,0) as "Average cost per vote transaction"
    from txd inner join allvote on allvote.tx_hash=txd.tx_hash
    Run a query to Download Data