Flipside TeamFS near report - top projects daus and txs daily
    Updated 2024-07-02
    select date_trunc(day, BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as "Date",
    when receiver ilike 'linear-protocol.near' then 'Linear'
    when receiver ilike 'contract.main.burrow.near' then 'Burrow'
    when receiver ilike 'meta-pool.near' then 'Meta Pool' end as "Platform",
    count(*) as "TXs",
    count(distinct case
    when tx:actions[0]:Delegate is not null then tx:actions[0]:Delegate:delegate_action:sender_id::string
    else TX_SIGNER end) as "DAUs"
    from (select *, ifnull(tx:actions[0]:Delegate:delegate_action:receiver_id::string, TX_RECEIVER) as receiver
    from near.core.fact_transactions
    where TX_SUCCEEDED=true
    and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date>='2024-01-01'
    and receiver in ('contract.main.burrow.near','meta-pool.near','linear-protocol.near')) a
    group by 1,2

    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived