ALGO Swap To Other ASAs

    This bounty is designed by flipside team to let us explore some aspects of Algorand Ecosystem; which is determining most popular ASAs for users when swapping from ALGO.


    In this Analysis I'm going to demonstrate some interesting charts which provide On-Chain data from Algorand Ecosystem. These Charts Are based on the number and volume of ALGOs swapping to other Algorand standard assets, in other words, ASAs popularity when i comes to ALGO itself.

    First chart is the basic foundation of this analysis as it shows exactly what we want: Top 10 ASAs which are most popular when in comes to swapping from algo. USDC being dominantly at top, as a well-know stable coin which provide basic utility of every DEFI protocol; Yieldly in 2nd place mostly because its constant and high demand in its native app; and Defly in 3rd place as a popular token in algorand ecosystem.

    In next table you can see exact amount of ALGO for each ASA and also average amount of algo per transaction for each asset. it eventually shows these assets are associated mostly with low volume swaps or not.

    Last two charts are going to show us how these assets look in terms of number of daily transaction and if there is any significant change or point. I can respectively relate 3 of notable changes to some event as follow:

    • ZONE being tradable in Tinyman on Feb 11th.
    • Yieldly partnership with algocean and price dip in market on Feb 15th.
    • Yieldly Exploit (not sure :/) on March 13th.