FlipsideCrypto #GodMode Minter Type
Analyze the Ethereum profile of those who minted during the first hour after launch. How many of them moved the minimum .1 ETH into their minting wallet vs. already had at least .1 ETH in that wallet? How many of them have been active in NFT purchases over the past six months? Can you construct a “typical minter” profile/profiles based on their wallet behavior?
GodMode is a NFT collection of 1000 unique utility NFTs produced and provided by FlipsideCrypto. Owning a GodMode NFT will let the owner to have unlimited access to flipside weekly bounty and hunts. These are analytical questions which Bounty hunter attempt to solve with velocity (SQL interface provided by flipside) and free database also provided by flipside. Since these Bounties have limited capacities, most people won't be able to claim their spot to solve the bounty and receive their reward/payment.
Also owning a GodMode NFT open the door to some exclusive channels to stablish a connection between great analytical Minds; This will help beginner bounty hunter to develop his/her skills in SQL and data query sooner than ever and aim for more advanced bounties and grand prizes with much more payment.
What are we Going to see in this dashboard?
Well, as the question demands we are going to find out how the Ethereum profile of First hour minters of GodMode NFTs look like. What do we know about the mint?
- To be able to Mint 1 GodMode NFT you either had to be a Cantina member of flipside, or being the premint raffle winner. Some NFTs are also reserved for partners, and flipside team.
- Total 634 Spot for mint was raffled between more than 13000 participants (thousands ruled out recognized as bots) in premint; the only requirement was having 0.1 ETH in your wallet in the time of premint registeration.
- Minting began at Jun 7th 16:00 UTC time for raffle winners and lasted for 24 hours.
Let's begin with basic information. Table below shows the number of distinct addresses that minted a GodMode NFT in first hour of the mint.
- There are 146 distinct addresses that participated in first hour of the mint.
- Top 3 Addresses Minted 50, 35 and 35 in a batch Mint transaction. They are definitely addresses related to either Flipside team or some other partners.
- They payed no mint cost for it since GodMode NFTs are free for Flipsiders and Cantina members.
- This chart suggests that 88 user Minted a GodMode with 0.1 ETH as price and 58 user minted for free
Now some more precise information. First the timely distribution of mints during the first hour in next chart. This chart maps few points (minutes) with much more mints. To understand the reason, we should check top 3 minter's information which is done and depicted in next chart.
- This chart confirms that the high tension minutes of mint is actually the top addresses with batch mint.
To tackle the main goal of this question - Ethereum Profile of First Hour Minter - we are going for their ETH balances. For this to be valid we need a valid time reference; I believe May 4th would be a valid point since this is the day before premint announcement; so the ETH balance is in an organic status. First we need to know how many people had 0.1 ETH in their wallet before premint announcement and how many acquired it after that?
- The fact that more than 70% of first hour minters already had at least 0.1 ETH in their wallet prior to premint announcement is very interesting
Also there were a significant number of minters who had their first Ethereum transaction in the very Mint Day! This is near to 20% of all first hour minters.
Now is the time to investigate their NFT activities; Are they active NFT players or doing their first ever NFT interaction? Chart below suggests that there are wide range of players; 3 address has more than 100 NFT sales and more addresses in over 10 sales. Also it seems that all Minters had at least one NFT sale befor which is also interesting.
- Also 5 users bought more GodMode NFT later on Opensea