Institutional & Non-Institutional Holders of frETH & FRZ
In this dashboard, you'll know more about who is holding how much of frETH and FRZ. This will help you to understand the distribution of these token to make a more informed financial decision.
Understanding Tokenomics and token distribution of the assets you are exposed to or want to invest in is one the most important factors to consider and investigate. You don’t want to position yourself in a situation where some whales can easily dump on retails. Since this requires a level of expertise and tools that you might not be able to achieve or access, you should always look for valid information that others provided.
In this dashboard, you’ll find out about holders of frETH and FRZ tokens which both are of True freeze protocol products and services.
What can you achieve using True freeze services?
True Freeze playfully manipulates the concept of hodling, which is of the most valuable entitlements of crypto active users. Hodling indicates that you believe in the future of a program and you won’t be selling early to create selling pressure. ==That’s why you don’t hodl your tokens in a CEX where they are one click away from selling; You got to steer yourself clear of temptation.== So, you hodl in your personal wallet (not that far away again), you stake it to gain rewards and yield, and you lock it for years even!
With True freeze, you have an alternative to test your belief in ETH and patience! With True Freeze you basically:
- Freeze your ETH for 1 to 1100 days and mint frETH following a formula.
- you receive an NFT representing your ownership of the position, and a key to measuring its maturity.
- If you want to have access to your ETH early, you have to pay a penalty in WETH and frETH.
- The penalty goes to FRZ stakers.
Want to know more about True Freeze?
Check out my other two dashboards for Basic Metrics On True Freeze & Things You Do After Minting frETH.
You can also check their complete and useful Documentation
Data & Analysis
Let’s start with FRZ (Freezer Revenue Token):
> The FRZ token acts like a standard dividend receiving asset. The value flow of inbound frETH and WETH determines its theoretical value. It's market value is free market determined.
FRZ was distributed following the mechanism which can be seen here. Also Burning frETH will reward you with FRZ. In the first pie chart, I separated FRZ hodlers based on their amount, into 4 categories:
Nemo: Smallholders with less than 1000 FRZ
Dolphin: Average holders with 1000 to 10000 FRZ
Shark: Above-average holders with 10000 to 100000 FRZ
Whale: Holders with more than 100000 FRZ
I also excluded Contracts and institutional addresses based on their labels and activities checking on etherscan. You can find a list of these addresses in Appendix
The second visualization in the form of the table shows the Non-Institutional addresses with their FRZ balance. You can check this table any time you want since it will be updated automatically.
The excluded Addresses with their FRZ balance also can be tracked using this chart. If you want more information about each contract, and how they might be vested or not, I suggest you check various information provided here.
The same information is provided in the next two charts below, But this time covering different holders of frETH.
You should also notice that frETH is Not backed 1:1 with ETH and its price follows the market supply/demand condition.
The list of excluded addresses:
'0xb27198a99e3ae693f4dd14cfee89e98eaf413263' -- Merkle Distibutor '0x7acd69445c8fb5e50e47fc06a897a643567a5512' -- Distributor '0x573c0609a8cac30b7a8a65e3652f0511caeffd30' -- Staking Reward Contract '0x392f6dfa609ad4e33494a7f8ce838901723a3359' -- LlamaPay '0xf29ff96aaea6c9a1fba851f74737f3c069d4f1a9' -- Vesting Contract '0xa45645ebb075a96d1c89511e28d3e9b94f3b7905' -- MultiRewards '0x0fbb8d17027b16810795b12cbeadc65b252530c4' -- truefreeze.eth '0xbb83d92c8d2b1523b6be79c822c20865d70321cc' -- Vyper Contract '0x25530f3c929d3f4137a766de3d37700d2fc00ff8' -- Proxy '0xa0b5eb5464fe4c5f4334a80267e784a961fdd865' -- Proxy '0x84af3d5824f0390b9510440b6abb5cc02bb68ea1' -- UnKnown '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead' -- Burned Wallet '0x6e77889ff348a16547caba3ce011cb120ed73bfc' -- frETH/WETH Pool
You should also notice that these information are subject to change since the protocol has launched recently, So you might want to come back and check this dashboard once in a while.
This Analysis was made using FlipsideCrypto Database and Velocity application. I am providing analysis for MetricsDAO Bounty program partnering with True Freeze protocol. All these are my personal understanding based on on-chain track and you should always also Do Your Own Research.