LilNouns Secondary Sales
How many Lil Nouns have been sold on a secondary exchange within 24 hours of being minted? Are there any common traits among these Lil Nouns? Which Lil Noun’s have the biggest difference (positive or negative) between their mint price and secondary sale price? Visualize and analyze your findings.
Everything about LilNounDAO is truly amazing. I recommend you to read their notion site for in depth information; These are fun and well-written articles which are leading you to try to acquire a LilNoun asap! Due to the different method of LilNouns mint, it is very interesting to see how would they perform in secondary marketplaces, and this is what we are going to do today.
Every LilNoun is generated through an ever going mint process which theoretically can last 15 minutes at minimum. When an auction starts, different users can bid on the newly generated LilNoun (it means that they send their bid amount to the contract), if there is higher bid the previous amount will be sent back to the bidder; if a new bid places in the final 5 minutes, the auction will be extended. To be able to win, one most remain the highest bid for 5 minutes. Then, smart contract will settle the auction, transfer the LilNoun to the wallet of the winner, generate a new LilNoun and start its auction all within the same transaction.
I will approach this analysis in this manner:
I first identify those Lilnouns which were sold within 24 hour of their mint, and will render the amount of loss or gain their owner had by selling it. Then, I show top 3 LilNouns which generated most benefit for their owners. And in the end will present some charts to see which traits are most popular among these sold Lilnouns.
Data & Analysis
There are 135 LilNoun token sold within 24 hours of their mint time. We are trying to know are they flippers or paper hands? There is a difference you know...
Chart below shows the token ID of these LilNouns and the USD profit or loss of their owner after selling on secondary. Flippers IMO are those who had a decent profit out of this sale, paper hands are those with lower bars, selling for under 100-200 bucks that roughly cover their bidding and listing fees. And three users actually sold way below mint price and i don't have an idea why!
Lets see which LilNouns were the most generous to their original owner
Now it is time to see common traits between all 135 LilNouns.
X Axis is correspondent number of visual trait - Y Axis is how many times the trait existed among 135 LilNouns
Also Backgrounds are binary are share equal between all so i exclude them.
Body trait number 27 repeated 10 times and the name is Teal Light
Body Trait number 29 repeated 9 times and the name is Yellow
Glasses traits number 3, 6 & 19 repeated 10 times and names are Square Black, Square Frog Green & Square Yellow Orange Multi
head trait number 228 repeated 4 times and the name is werewolf
head traits number 12, 120 & 171 repeated 3 times and the names are Beet, Lock & RangeFinder
Accessory traits number 22 & 34 repeated 4 times and the name are gradient redpink & checker big red cold